‘The Key Ingredient Nearly Every Marketer Underestimates’ by Paul Maxey
Paul Maxey’s latest ‘Total Package’ article is titled “The Key Ingredient Nearly Every Marketer Underestimates “. [Copywriting Article]
Paul Maxey’s latest ‘Total Package’ article:
The Key Ingredient Nearly Every Marketer Underestimates
Dear Business-Builder,
Of all the elements necessary for great sales copy, belief is the real secret to getting your prospect to buy.
That’s why proof and credibility are essential to every sales letter you’ll ever write. They give your promises, benefits and emotions the believability they need to work their selling magic in the hearts and minds of your prospects.
What’s more, they’re very often the missing ingredients that can quickly send your response through the roof!
Let’s face it: As a result of being bombarded with over 700 advertising messages a day ““ an average of more than 255,000 advertising impressions per year ““ your prospect is a veteran skeptic. His mental B.S. filter blocks out hundreds of ads per day without batting an eye.
Plus, the more competitive and saturated the market you’re selling into, the more likely it is that your claims will be dismissed as pure bunk without so much as an afterthought by your dear prospect.
All of this makes your job ““ to get your prospect to read, believe and then to buy ““ all the more challenging!
And that brings us to this weeks’ Swipe of the Week ““ a standard direct mail package for a financial newsletter called the Lifetime Income Report.
Before you even open the package, they begin piling on the proof and credibility. And it doesn’t stop until the very last page of the promotion. In fact, the actual selling is so subtle, it’s hard to tell where the “editorial” ends and the selling begins.
With strong reasons why … specificity … a logical if “A” then “B” then “C” foundation … examples and documentation … a world-class guarantee … compelling testimonials … and more ““ a lot is done here in the way of piling on proof and credibility.
So download this week’s swipe now and be sure to add it to your own, personal swipe file.
Then, read through it and see what strategies and techniques you can use in your next promotion to send your response and sales soaring!
Until next time …
Yours for greater profits,
Paul Maxey
Makepeace-Trained Copywriter
Attribution Statement: This article was first published in The Total Package. To sign-up to receive your own FREE subscription to The Total Package and claim four FREE money making e-books go to www.makepeacetotalpackage.com.
The Total Package
*IMNewsWatch would like to thank Clayton Makepeace for granting permission to reprint this article.
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