James Burt’s latest ‘e-Wealth Daily’ article is titled “The Technology You Need to Be an Info Marketing Pro”. [‘Info Marketing’ Article]

James Burt’s latest ‘e-Wealth Daily’ article:

The Technology You Need to Be an Info Marketing Pro

In spite of whatever headaches they give you, you’ve got to thank computers today. I’m going out on a limb a bit here as I’ve often cursed and denounced my own computer before. But
when I think about it, it’s done me a lot more good than bad.

If you got into business, let alone info marketing, even 25 years ago, you’d be without e-mail and working off a noisy typewriter, and would have no way to manipulate words and
images together right from the comfort of your desk chair. A lot of people may have glory-day-type memories from this period, but I doubt they’d want to revert back to it. Computers,
for ill or good, have done a lot to make our lives more convenient at home and especially at work.

But if you’re in info marketing, it’s fair to say you can always make your laptop or desktop that much better. You can add some programs or even hardware that can make the processes
of info marketing that much better. Here’re some of the best:

— More memory: If you’ve been at info marketing a while or have just started, you’re pumping your computer’s memory with documents filled with content, graphics, spreadsheets, and
whatever digital files you need in your information marketing. When your hard drive gets full, your whole system gets slow. If you fill it too much, it can freeze and even crash at a
moment’s notice. It’s best to get as much memory into your computer’s hard drive as possible. An old tower hard drive can usually take more sticks of RAM that can be bought and
installed at a computer shop. Current techies have all kinds of tricks to make your laptop an endless hole of memory. Either way, be sure to get in as much memory as possible. It’s a worthwhile investment in the end.

— External hard drive: If your hard drive gets bigger files — videos and banks of slides with graphics for example — you are really going to have to get a lot of memory. To save potential
crashing issues, it might not hurt to get an external hard drive. These are just separate computer towers with a wire that you can hook up to your existing hard drive whenever you need to access certain files in storage. You can lug them around in the back of your car and take them to other pro’s establishments if you want to display something to them as well. They can be bulky, but useful. If you start to get a lot of material, but not enough to fill a whole new hard drive, one or two USB sticks which you can buy at any stationary, should suffice for the immediate future.

— Auto e-mail: Composing newsletters for information marketing can be fun. Sending them out can be a pain. You compose, then use sending lists and have to ensure that your
newsletters wind up in all of your clients’ inboxes. If you’re sending out newsletters from a custom e-mail or from a provider’s service but are getting bad results, look into getting an auto e-mail program set up. They come with templates to compose your newsletter content, build a sender list, and a timed trigger to send them out. There are loads of these programs, so do some shopping and testing to find one that works properly at a decent price. You don’t need much, just a program that can deliver properly and on time.

— Spreadsheet and billing programs: If you’ve just used “Microsoft Excel” or a similar program for your spreadsheet and billing needs in the past, you might also want to consider
getting a more up-to-date program. Domestic programs are fine for small-scale affairs, but slightly bigger ones can do up a spreadsheet, invoice, or customized bill better and with a few
more options. Again, do some searching. Depending on the size of your client-base, you may need a bigger program than other pros do.

This is a topic I will come back to time and again. The above is just a short list and there are more items to add. But stay tuned for some computer updates that can make your info marketing business a bigger success. Believe me: there will be more!

e-Wealth Daily

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* IMNewsWatch would like to thank e-Wealth Daily for granting permission to reprint this article.

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