James Burt’s latest ‘e-Wealth Daily’ article is titled “Demystify Government Interactions for Your Info Products”. [‘Info Marketing’ Article]

James Burt’s latest ‘e-Wealth Daily’ article:

Demystify Government Interactions for Your Info Products

We know how complex, bureaucratic, and downright intimidating governments can be. Without getting into a political discussion, the multi-layered governing system can
really scare people away from it and what it is supposed to do for citizens: help them. The truth is that all government departments are created to serve a purpose within society. They’re just often created to be too big and difficult. But, in a way, this can all be good for an information marketer. By unraveling some of the big complexities of government and presenting it to people as an info product, they are providing the buffer between governments and people, so the two can work together. You can go to work on this as an info topic, and here are some areas that can be useful to you:

— Online Material: I once got my wallet stolen some years ago. Back then, you’d have to run from government office-to-office to get your licenses and ID cards back. But a friend in a similar situation a year ago had the luxury of replacing some of his lost government material by accessing his files online. In fact, most visas, applications, and amendments/announcements are shown online via your government web sites. But it’s often hard to find exactly what you need, again because of the complexity and amount of material. An info marketer with some navigation savvy can really provide the public with a tool to sift through this material and make their lives easier. To have this info is to empower the public, and they are often keen to get it, cash-in- hand.

— Assistance: In spite of what you may think of the redistribution of wealth through appropriation of government tax dollars, I think it’s worth mentioning here as another
area we as a society are lucky to have. If you’re a single mom, a disabled individual, or a starving artist, there are programs within our government to help you. Finding exactly what programs are out there is, well, another story, to say the least. There are tons, but there aren’t a lot of billboards advertising them. If you can compile what you know about government assistance and where to go for any particular need, you will find yourself with an audience hungry to know what you know already. And, again, they will compensate you for it.

— Visas/Immigration: This is especially important for people today. People are going global for work or to live in other places — Saudi Arabia, Western Canada, etc. They are good folks who want to work and/or live there with no legal problems, but they often decide against it in the end as they think the government immigration/visa processes are too tough. They can be, but often they just require a procedure that must be followed. A person who has been through this or is in on all of the current visa/immigration government procedures can take the material issued by the government and provide a lot of people with easy info on how they can fulfill their dreams of going and doing what they want with their lives.

— Legal News and Events: As I mentioned earlier, governments have a habit of not advertising whatever changes go on within them. Often, they will issue a small public
announcement that will go unnoticed by the general public until a major issue arises much later. But info marketers who are legal pros themselves or keep current on legal news and events stand to issue good regular information that will be in demand with the public about whatever new laws come their way and that will affect the lives around them. Just because the government doesn’t issue info clearly doesn’t mean you can’t.

Government based info is somewhat tough. In the end, I always suggest that pros not use their info marketing business as a platform to criticize and that they always find out what is alright for them to issue. Provided they do that though, info marketers can create a successful business that can really help the public understand their governments. It can do a lot of good.

e-Wealth Daily

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* IMNewsWatch would like to thank e-Wealth Daily for granting permission to reprint this article.

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