Doug D’Anna’s latest ‘e-Wealth Daily’ article is titled “Develop the Habits You Need in Order to Create Wealth and Success”. [‘e-Wealth Daily’ Article]

Doug D’Anna’s latest ‘e-Wealth Daily’ article:

Develop the Habits You Need in Order to Create Wealth and Success

If you’re frustrated with where your life is at and you’re not accomplishing the success you deserve, then something needs to be done. However, no one is going to do it for you, and winning the lottery is not something you should count on. You have to realize it for yourself. Many things can happen that can change your perspective. It can come to you suddenly in a flicker of realization, much like a lightbulb clicking on in your brain during a “eureka” moment.

You just realize all of a sudden that there is something that you need to do, that you should be doing, that you haven’t done up until this point. That moment of actualization is your calling. I’ll never forget my “eureka” moment.

It happened when a marketing director at a national bank offered to pay me $500.00 to write a two-page sales letter. I thought, “Five hundred for a two-page letter? I’m getting into the letter-writing business.” Of course, when I found out that they were paying their ad agency $5,000.00 for the same thing, I quickly raised my price!

Your “eureka” moment could hit you in the same way. On the other hand, it could come during times of great stress, such as during a job loss, when you recognized that you should be doing something else. Or it could come to you after you have lost a loved one and come to terms with your own mortality.

During this moment, you’ll realize that life is short and that you need to get moving toward making it better for yourself and toward leaving behind a legacy. Your coping skills will give you strength that you might not otherwise have found to move forward and progress. You can see your potential during times of great joy as well. You are inspired when a baby is born, you fall in love, or your children go off to school. The future looks bright, and suddenly new perspectives become clear and goals easier to pursue. You are riding on a wave of positive energy, and nothing seems impossible. You feel indestructible and are able to grasp the opportunities around you that you might not have seen before.

Sometimes, you spend a lot of time thinking about your potential because of something someone else has said to you. Maybe they told you that you fell short somewhere. Maybe
they’ve criticized you. You might have grumbled or nurtured a grudge about what they told you. However, perhaps then you went away, thought about it, and realized that maybe what they said was true.

There may be times when you have been told about your greatness from someone who was objective and confident enough to tell you. For example, it could have been a teacher who motivated you to achieve all your goals, or a friend who pointed out your best qualities to you. Things you might not have recognized on your own suddenly became substantial through the eyes of another person.

Regardless of what triggers your eureka moment, the only way to see it through and keep the momentum going is to actively seek out what is inside of you. You need to overcome the fears you harbor by taking risks and experimenting — and you continue to improve and strengthen yourself to move toward your goals.

Potential never remains constant; it changes over time. What you strive to do next week or next month may differ from where you see yourself next year. But you need to get into the habit of recognizing the phases of your greatness and cultivating them. Human beings are creatures of habit. We do the same things over and over again, and yet we expect different results for some reason. The fact is that, sooner or later, something has to give.

If you want to change your life, even if you plan out how you will succeed at your goals, nothing will help you achieve what you haven’t achieved up until this moment until you change your way of thinking and your actions.

e-Wealth Daily

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* IMNewsWatch would like to thank e-Wealth Daily for granting permission to reprint this article.

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