James Burt’s latest ‘e-Wealth Daily’ article is titled Handling the Holiday Rush as an Info Marketer”. [‘Info Marketing’ Article]

James Burt’s latest ‘e-Wealth Daily’ article:

Handling the Holiday Rush as an Info Marketer

The holidays are a time of concern for business pros. True, it can be a time to do a bit of cashing in, but it’s also a time when businesses often fall into a lull. The end of December right
through the dawn of the New Year is a time when people, religious or not, traditional or not, get away from their jobs and go on holiday. They may be shopping a bit or doing the odd business deal, but overall they are not engaged much in the way of professional interaction. Consequently, companies and, more importantly, business pros have to be on guard for the
end-of-the-year holidays.

At this time of year, as information marketers, there are some special considerations for you to make. From now until the end of the year, you will be in a bit of crazy scenario. The leading-
up period to the holidays can be a strange and often difficult period, but you can soften the blow if you are ready for it.

The first thing is to know when you will not be working. That is to say that you will not be generating any new info content, doing research, or both, and actually going on holiday. It’s best
to mark down the time well in advance that you are taking off and inform all necessary parties — associates, clients, or otherwise — that you won’t be around for whatever dates. This is not for you to be selfish, but for everyone to know what everyone else is doing.

Once that’s done, it’s time to get down to business. More than anything, you are going to have to deal with what’s known as the holiday rush. This involves getting whatever info products
out to those who demand them in time and to ensure your newsletters are sent out while you are on holiday. You are going to get last-minute order requests, botched deliveries, and all other crazy surprises coming your way. When this happens, don’t let the rush get you down. Methodically deal with every client and every issue one step at a time. Even if you have to stay in the office a few minutes later on your last day, don’t leave things hanging. The holiday rush will come again and it’s always good training ground to show others what real professional material you are made of.

As a note on the above, it doesn’t hurt to artificially stimulate your business with just a bit of wheeling and dealing. Offering a holiday discount on one of your info books, a percentage
knock-off from your newsletter subscription, or any two-for-one-type holiday deal never hurts and can help increase your profits. While many people and even fellow pros might thumb their noses at your morality, the truth is that a lot of consumers use the holidays as a way to score deals for themselves. By offering them what they want, you are pleasing both yourself and any new or existing clients.

There’s one more thing: don’t be afraid to keep working a bit through the holidays. Being an entrepreneur, let alone an info marketer, isn’t a usual job where you can take a random two weeks off over the holidays. You are your own boss and responsible for generating your own business. If you do find yourself having to keep working to ensure everything with your info marketing business runs smoothly, plan to do so. Find a time when you can discreetly slip away from your vacation and deal with matters quickly so you can go back to enjoying yourself. You will keep your business going strong while not getting the spouse angry that you missed a dinner. That’s always worth working for!

e-Wealth Daily

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* IMNewsWatch would like to thank e-Wealth Daily for granting permission to reprint this article.

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