Doug D’Anna’s latest ‘e-Wealth Daily’ article is titled “Save Money by Getting to Know Your Business Neighbor”. [‘e-Wealth Daily’ Article]

Doug D’Anna’s latest ‘e-Wealth Daily’ article:

Save Money by Getting to Know Your Business Neighbor

A good neighbor is someone who is going to be there for you when you need them and who is both pleasant to live beside and easy to get along with. The same goes for your business
neighbor as well.

If you have a retail establishment, then it’s a good idea to get to know the business owners around you. Your business neighbors can provide you with information on the area, other
businesses, and the community. They can also tell you how customers have responded to your particular location in the past.

Not only that, but your business neighbors can also be a great resource in saving you money on certain business expenses. I highly recommend that you talk to your business neighbors
about the possibility of splitting certain expenses.

For instance, if you’re planning on having a big sale in the future, ask your neighbors if they might be interested in getting in on the promotion. You can hold a sidewalk sale together that
features all of your businesses. By doing this, you can split the cost of marketing strategies as well, such as promotional banners, flyers, advertisements, and so on and so forth.

You will benefit also from piggybacking on their customers. Shoppers who normally wouldn’t frequent your establishment might stop by if they are checking out a sidewalk sale that
involves one of their favorite stores — your business neighbor’s location.

You could even consider a cross promotion of some sort that involves providing customers with a coupon or discount to your neighbor’s store when they purchase something from your
location and vice versa. This is a great way to generate a heavier flow of traffic to your location as well, which benefits everybody.

It’s a lot easier to generate a buzz about your business when you have more resources and more people involved.

Not only can your business neighbor help you with promotional strategies, but they can also help with other costs. For instance, you could potentially strike deals with contractors and material suppliers if you both have work that needs to be done.

Buying things in bulk is always less expensive as well, so if you need everyday supplies, then consider getting your neighbor involved and split the cost. Trust me, if it means that they will save money, it won’t take much to convince them to get in on a deal. Just be sure that you keep track of all of your expenses just as you normally would.

Your business neighbor can be your greatest ally or your worst enemy, so I advise that you to get on their good side from the get-go. Get to know your neighbors, establish healthy work
relationships with them and, in time, you can suggest some cost-saving strategies that will increase profitability margins for everybody.

After all, the last thing you need is to get involved in a feud with the proprietor working right next door to you.

e-Wealth Daily

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* IMNewsWatch would like to thank e-Wealth Daily for granting permission to reprint this article.

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