‘Faith and Info Marketing’ by James Burt
James Burt’s latest ‘e-Wealth Daily’ article is titled “Faith and Info Marketing”. [‘Info Marketing’ Article]
James Burt’s latest ‘e-Wealth Daily’ article:
Faith and Info Marketing
For many, there is often a separation between their business and religious lives. Yet, for info marketers, it is possible to combine both. Here’s how:
— Related Groups and Activities: A late aunt of mine was an admitted agnostic right up to her death. She was pretty inquisitive and always skeptical of everything in life. Yet, she
attended services every Sunday and was always involved with her Protestant church. Why? Because she liked the company and the things she did with others as a group in her small town. All and all, she was lucky. A lot of people who are true believers often don’t have the opportunity to get involved with anyone like-minded. As an info marketer, you could bridge the
gap here by providing info on how people can get connected based on their faith and what activities are available to them. With Internet sites and international networks sprouting up all
over the place, now’s the time to get good info about faith-based groups and activities.
— Products/Goods: This is important to more people than the public may think. I say this from experience, as I grew up with no real faith-based amenities of consumption or available
material. But what about being Jewish and trying to get Kosher food where there doesn’t appear to be any? Or someone trying to get ahold of a good religious text, but they don’t know how
to get it? Let’s face it: being religious involves palpable, physical products sometimes, and if someone is on that path of putting faith in their life, they will want to get some of those
goods. Having the info on how to get those goods is often necessary and a sharp info marketer who possesses it can become successful while helping practitioners get what they need.
— News and Dialogue: Related to the above two and alluding to my next point, religion is a hotbed of news and philosophy. Whether you are covering changes at the Vatican or going over
the critics of religious philosophy, there is a pile of news going on involving faith. We need this in life to really understand ourselves and our beliefs. But providing this type of info requires someone who keeps up with what’s happening in the world and what’s new in different faiths. This is a gold mine for info marketers, as not only will they see success from people just like them, but also from outsiders looking to get informed.
— Studies: A lot of people have serious questions about their faith. They want to know all about their religion — its origins, what aspects need to be considered, what changes have
happened over time, etc. They are keen to learn and need to know where they can find information. If you’ve studied your faith or know where someone can get real information about it,
you will have an audience of those who want to know what you know. They will want to get real scholarly information to help them understand their faith, their world and, ultimately, themselves.
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* IMNewsWatch would like to thank e-Wealth Daily for granting permission to reprint this article.
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