‘The Four-Trillion-Dollar Market You Cannot Ignore ‘ by Troy White
Clayton Makepeace has released the latest issue of ‘Total Package’. The featured article by Troy White is titled “The four-trillion-dollar market you cannot ignore “. [‘Entrepreneurship’ Article]
Clayton Makepeace has released the latest issue of ‘Total Package’.
The featured article:
The four-trillion-dollar market you cannot ignore
by Troy Whit
love to buy things … just HOW we buy things is different than our female counterparts.
Women have a little different way of shopping.
First, they can make an entire day-long adventure out of shopping. They love to browse and wander from store to store looking for that “perfect” thing to buy. They may have their friends involved in the trip and the purchase decision. They demand more input, expect more attentive service people, want more selection, require more thorough follow-up, and expect a very pleasurable experience when making their decision.
When you can sell successfully to women,
you will over-deliver to men.
The #1 problem that women notice much more than men … the sales experience does NOT match the marketing experience. It is not about making nice, pretty, softer, marketing materials focused at women … then waiting until they enter your sales system to hit them with your aggressive sales strategies.
Adding pink to your marketing is not the way to win …
Here’s how to double your sales to women business owners …
Impress them and they will buy twice as much from you. 86% of all women business owners surveyed by Working Woman say they will use the exact same products in their office as they do in their home.
So, if you give them the experience they want and deliver high-quality products and services to back up your claims, they will not only stay loyal to you for years to come, they will also double the amount they buy from you.
Men typically buy based on an educated decision.
Women typically buy based on an educated consensus (not meaning they won’t make a decision by themselves, but that they need to feel much more comfortable with all the information they have on you and your products than men do). They are not big on the hard close, the one so common in traditional sales training.
Think about their feelings.
Women buyers make decisions much more based on the intuitive feelings they have about you and your business. This is tougher to do through long copy sales letters.
So, I highly recommend you use video and audio on your websites and sales campaigns.
You can include videos and audio CDs with sales packages that go out ““ and the multiple media approach will drastically help your odds of a sale.
Men buy based on a very logical progression through the sales presentation ““ women do not. This is not the time or place to say “buy it my way, or else …” They will gladly take the “or else” option.
Think about the relationships.
What I mean here is not only the business relationship you will be forming with her, but also the relationships in her life that this purchase will impact.
If you are selling products or services that impact her business ““ talk about the people in the business and how they will be positively impacted with the use of your product or service.
If you are selling products or services that are put in the home ““ talk about how it will impact and change her home life for the better, and how her spouse, kids, and friends will enjoy the benefits as well.
The LAST thing you want to be doing is spouting off “feeds and speeds” of your products ““ that is how MEN buy, not women. It is important ““ but not nearly as important in the buying cycle as it is for men.
Think about what they have to say,
not what you want to say.
This is a real challenge for sales letters and reports ““ UNLESS you have done your research and have already found out the common problems, complaints, needs and desires.
Your ability to listen is critical here.
Put together questionnaires and surveys. Have open Q&A teleseminars. Find ways to touch base with your potential buyers and listen to what they have to say ““ and uncover the real reasons they buy or don’t buy.
I remember a few years ago, Kari and I went to a car dealership to look at a new vehicle for Kari. This was her decision on the car ““ and we made sure we told the sales guy this fact.
He was too stupid to listen to this fact and kept talking to ME, completely ignoring HER. I told him again, “This is her decision, talk to her,” and he couldn’t wrap it around his thick skull.
So we walked out and took her business to someone who actually had a brain and could listen to what Kari wanted. He made money on the deal ““ sales guy #1 is probably still out there completely ignoring the person who has the real buying power, the woman of the house.
Think about the factors that impact their life
outside of this buying decision.
The context you choose to present your offer in is critical. My wife, Kari, helps run my business, runs her own business, makes sure our house is kept in order, and looks after our twin daughters. If it was up to me, it would all be in complete disarray!
Women are incredible multi-taskers, and you have to recognize this in your sales process. Talk to their life, and the challenges they face in their life, and then you are talking their language.
Find ways to help them come to an agreement
You don’t close a deal with a woman buyer. You can, and it does happen. But, if you do it improperly, they will soon regret what you did and will immediately get a refund, and/or tell every single person they know that your business is NOT women friendly.
NOTE: Women immediately recognize, by a 3:1 ratio, those companies who market specifically to women. And … this is key … by a 7:1 ratio they will go far out of their way to buy from businesses who DO market specifically to women (in the right way).*
You need to BE that one company who gets this, and caters to women the way they want to be catered to. This can immediately boost your sales by 700%!!
(* Working Woman research study)
Some of the ways you can help their decision making process:
1. Give them space. They are not impulse buyers as much as men. So don’t push the close as hard. Give them the proper follow-up they will want ““ again, not pushing as much as you are used to.
2. Share with them testimonials of other women buyers. NOTE: a sales letter for a product of mine instantly DOUBLED conversions to women as soon as I put a video testimonial right at the top of a women client who sang my praises. It took two minutes to do ““ and resulted in 200% more sales. Simple, but effective.
3. Make sure that everything you have presented to her IS in her best interest. We all get caught up in our sales pitch, and, at times, may promise things that are not all that important. This can cost you significantly in selling to women. Promise to deliver what they want ““ then make sure you DO deliver what was promised.
4. Use multiple media to stay in touch if they decide not to buy right away. Birthday cards. Handwritten thank you cards (a rarity these days). Special event invitations. Audio CDs. Video DVDs. Teleseminars. Customer appreciation events. Do everything in your power to give them lots of opportunity to meet your other clients and alleviate any concerns they may have.
When you get this right, you have a
fantastic viral marketing machine in place.
Women love to talk to their friends and family about pleasant buying experiences. Be the one that delivers it to them, and you will quickly see a landslide of new, highly-qualified buyers at your door.
This article could turn into a book as this is so important for all of us to understand. I do not claim that this is everything you need to know about marketing to women, but should be considered a good starting point to a new sales process.
The opportunity for you is incredible here, but you must make sure you do it properly.
If a woman buyer visits your store or website and you are noticeably pretending to be women friendly, they will run as fast as they can. But, if they happen upon your business and you obviously know how to sell to women, they will buy again and again from you.
Do your homework and give them what they want.
Please let me know your thoughts, and if you have any further topics on this you would like to see discussed.
To your success,
Troy White
Editor, Small Business Mastery
Troy White is a top marketing coach, consultant & direct response copywriter based in Calgary, Canada. He has a powerful approach to growing small businesses and entrepreneurial run ventures on a budget. His FREE Cash Flow Surges newsletter shares tons of great strategies.
He also publishes the incredibly powerful Cash Flow Calendar system that gives you daily, weekly and monthly marketing ideas to promote your business and stand out from the crowd. Click here to get your free tips for growing your business!
Attribution Statement: This article was first published in The Total Package. To sign-up to receive your own FREE subscription to The Total Package and claim four FREE money making e-books go to www.makepeacetotalpackage.com.
The Total Package
*IMNewsWatch would like to thank Clayton Makepeace for granting permission to reprint this article.
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