James Burt’s latest e-Wealth Daily’ article is titled “The Info Marketer’s Bag of Tricks”. [e-Wealth Daily’ Article]

James Burt’s latest e-Wealth Daily’ article:

The Info Marketer’s Bag of Tricks

You want to be the best, offer the best products, be the best in your field, and have the best success. But you can only do so much on your own. So, as an info marketer, it’s good to know you have a bag of tricks to help you out.

Your bag of tricks is made of some tools and ideas that can help you along the way and make your life as an entrepreneur easier while still delivering a quality product to your audience.

Here are a few ways to create professional-looking info products without having to spend a lot or even learn a whole new skill:

— “Paint.net:” Most computers come with this simple graphics program. A lot of pro designers and document specialists disregard it as a low-grade program but with a little practice Paint.net can help you make a quick color touch-up or a graphic for an info document. As a note on the latter, I once had to include a generic graphic on a business plan. The only
one available had a big COPY stamp on it. That sole graphic was no good, yet we needed a good copy of it yesterday. But by copying the graphic into Paint.net, using the program’s
magnifying tool and then its erase tool to take out the stamp, I made the graphic look brand new. These kinds of easy tools really help. For my money, Paint.net is a good program to have
for such an occasion.

— “Adobe Studio:” If you have a little extra money lying around and the functions of Paint.net sound attractive, I would point you towards the Adobe program line, especially Studio.
As an info marketer, you are perhaps looking to do your own graphics, insert certain designs, or even manipulate your content to a style that is more interesting that your existing one.
Studio is so full of options, it’s downright dizzying. A lot of people used to think Adobe was only good for creating slick document formats — the PDF, or portable document file, is
itself nothing to sneeze at, even now — but now it has got everything. For an info marketer looking for some helpful options, it’s worth investigating.

— “Google:” You might be laughing at me for this one. It’s so obvious, right? Well, maybe if you were born within the last 40 years. But a lot of folks don’t see Google as the tool it really
is. Need a translation? A piece of archived news? Maybe a chat room where you can compare notes with a peer? Google is a good place to start and has been give thumbs up by folks
needing help quick the world over.

— Help guides: If your teacher in high school handed you a copy of a Shakespeare play, there was a good chance you might look into getting a copy of a “Cliffs Notes” or other help
book that same day. The English of Macbeth and Hamlet just isn’t that of modern life, so you needed something to help you understand the text. That said, you might encounter a time
when the info you need to provide to your clients is almost incomprehensible. You might need a help guide or book to help make it easier for you to understand. It’s not a sign of weakness to do this. And if you get good at understanding your material, you can do your own info help guides yourself.

e-Wealth Daily

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* IMNewsWatch would like to thank e-Wealth Daily for granting permission to reprint this article.

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