‘How to Spot Success Instantly’ by Adrian Newman
Adrian Newman’s latest ‘e-Wealth Daily’ article is titled “How to Spot Success Instantly”. [Adrian Newman’s Article]
Adrian Newman’s latest ‘e-Wealth Daily’ article:
How to Spot Success Instantly
Over the years, I’ve met too many entrepreneurs to count. I’ve crossed paths with hundreds, if not more. Many had found small successes, some were still struggling and a few had become multi-millionaires.
I really enjoy hearing their stories. I want to know how they got where they are today and I always take the time to get the full story.
Now, I can’t claim to be able to always spot successful people right away, but I’m getting pretty good at it.
You see, I’ve met entrepreneurs in expensive suits who are struggling to get by day after day. And I’ve met those business experts who look like they just rolled out of bed, but who are
worth millions of dollars.
So, it’s not looks or clothing that signifies successful people. It’s not their car, or anything you can buy actually.
I’ve also learned that it’s not how they talk. Some of the most successful people I’ve met are completely introverted. They are quiet and you could even call them “shy.”
To spot successful people, it takes a keen eye for something you may not notice now. But, once you start to see it, you can almost spot a successful person as soon as they start talking.
Like I said, it isn’t a tone of voice or boastful presence. It’s more of an outlook on life. It’s a sense of experience that you can hear. It’s like every word they speak tells you of their successes, their failures, and their courage to face challenges.
Successful people never talk about what they can’t do, because they believe — truly believe — that they can do just about anything.
While many factors can affect your success or failure in a business venture, your outlook on life is one factor you can control. You can look at the possibility of failure as a deterrent. You can see the reasons why you shouldn’t leap into a new opportunity. But, until you learn to identify these negative views and turn them into positives, you’re only holding yourself back.
A new year is often considered a new start for many people. Before you do anything big in 2011, I suggest learning how to always have a positive outlook on opportunities. Whether they
are a success or failure is something you can’t predict. But you can face every challenge like you’re already a winner. Try it today.
e-Wealth Daily
About e-Wealth Daily
The e-Wealth Daily Bulletin brings you daily tips, advice and breaking news related to home businesses, small businesses and internet marketing. Our team of experts gives you the information you need to take your business pursuits to the most profitable level. Founded by Adrian Newman in 2003, the e-Wealth Daily Bulletin and www.ewealthdaily.com are a division of Lombardi Publishing with online newsletters reaching over 100,000 subscribers each month.
* IMNewsWatch would like to thank e-Wealth Daily for granting permission to reprint this article.
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