James Burt’s latest é-Wealth Daily’ article is titled “Keeping Your Head Cool in Info Marketing”. [é-Wealth Daily’ Article]

James Burt’s latest é-Wealth Daily’ article:

Keeping Your Head Cool in Info Marketing

When you were in school, your guidance counselor might have given you suggestions about what career path to take. If you were good academically, a career in law or medicine was recommended. If you were more laid back with books but good with your hands, tool-and-die or carpentry might have come up. Maybe you were also warned you about certain jobs that were good on pay, but a little more difficult. The jobs of
stockbroker, air traffic control officer, or investigator were only advised with caution. Why? These are the high-stress jobs. You can really earn your daily bread, but you might also pick up a high-caffeine or early-death-risk lifestyle.

The truth is that all jobs can be high-stress. Whether you’re a pharmacist or a street sweeper, there are loads of risks involved. Everything from personal safety to long-term health to public interaction issues must be considered before a person takes any job. Now you’d think that information marketing is, at worst, a low-risk job where stress is so small, it isn’t even worth considering. It is. Actually, I can’t think of a better job in
that regard. You’re the boss, you create your own products, people pay for them, and you can create a success for yourself. Great. Well, almost. It’s a good gig, but flawless it ain’t.

When you get going with your info marketing business, especially in the early, most earnest stages, there will be issues. You’re a bit green and do not understand that sometimes your products will have errors in them, that delivery services aren’t always the speedy outfits they claim to be, and that people aren’t always warm when dealing with you. It’s a real learning curve and can cause a ton of personal pain.

This is where you have to learn to be as cool and level-headed as possible. It’s not easy, especially if you’re someone who likes to debate and question a lot. But you can do it. How? Here’s a good list of how to play it cool:

— Listen and Analyze: When any issue comes up, don’t react with your gut. React with your brain and your good senses. Too often info marketers get into sticky situations and their emotions override them. A client calls about not liking a product or a service makes up a list of excuses as to why they cannot complete a task they promised to do. This can be a surprise and immediate shot in the face to you. Things were
going smoothly and now circumstance has interrupted that. Well, it’s happened and will most likely happen again. A good business pro will understand this and take a few moments to seriously listen to and/or examine the problem in its entirety, noting exactly what caused it and what has become the unfortunate outcome. From this, they can work to find the solution. And with that…

— Work to Rectify: Your objective now is to fix the problem at hand. There is no other alternative. The client is angry or the package has not been delivered or the deadline is at risk of being missed. The heat is on. Now, a lot of so-called pros leave this to chance and let nature solve problems for them. Fine for them, but most people would confess that it displays a careless attitude on their part towards their job and clients. A real pro will work hard — through the night, over lunch, maybe past dinner time when the family is haranguing them — to rectify the problem. It can be tough, but having your own business is tough. The silent contract you sign when you become an info marketer is that you are the boss and are responsible to correct your own errors. Never forget this. You will feel satisfied once it’s over and people will respect you for your hard work.

— Don’t Go for Revenge: In movies and books, revenge is downright entertaining. The cowboy hero or the former mercenary goes after a former comrade who has betrayed him, thereby unfolding an epic journey in the process. It’s a narrative formula used since the days of the Greeks and will likely make for another blockbuster sometime soon. But that’s fiction and we’re dealing in reality. In reality, like fiction, you are going to
be wronged once in a while by a bad business associate, a lying colleague, or even a client in some cases. And, in reality, there’s a real good chance you will want to take revenge on this person, be it by spreading rumors within your community of pros or posting anonymous dismissals of these folks. But here’s my tip: don’t do it. Ever. If you want to keep your life as problem-free as possible, quietly disassociate yourself from
wrongdoers and move on. Your instinct may suggest something else, but your goal is to stay professional. Revenge tactics only serve to show you as petty, distasteful, and childish in the public eye, which values courage and good judgment. It hurts to be wronged, but the outcomes of revenge schemes will hurt even more.

— Learn, Learn, Learn: This sounds like it’s for kids, but again, it’s often forgotten by a lot of pros. Doing all of the above is not a one-shot deal and the actions are no good if you do not learn from them. What went wrong? Are you dealing with the right people? Must your business change in order for it to survive? How do you keep things operating at the lowest stress but highest efficiency level? These brief contemplations will
help you in learning from error and keep your info marketing business — and you – running at its absolute coolest.

Simple, right? Sure, but like I said, these points escape so many info marketers in the heat of the moment. When I said it takes learning to keeping cool in info marketing, this is what I meant. It’s a process of examination and acting accordingly. Don’t be afraid to use these ideas when things get hairy. You will keep, and been seen as, very, very cool.

e-Wealth Daily

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* IMNewsWatch would like to thank e-Wealth Daily for granting permission to reprint this article.

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