‘Moneymaking Lessons from Amazon’ by John Hurd
John Hurd’s latest ‘e-Wealth Daily’ article is titled “Moneymaking Lessons from Amazon”. [é-Wealth Daily’Article]
John Hurd’s latest ‘e-Wealth Daily’ article:
Moneymaking Lessons from Amazon
Over the past few years, I have begun to shop more and more online. Like many people, I was worried about credit card fraud or simply not getting what I wanted. I’m a hands-on kind of guy and, for that reason, I like to see, touch and try out what I’m buying. Even when it’s something such as a book, I like to flip through the pages and see if it’s what I want.
However, with online deals beating traditional brick-and-mortar stores time and time again, I’ve started to ignore my doubts and put my trust in online purchases.
So far, I have yet to be let down and I see little reason why that would change in the near future.
Of the purchases I’ve made online, many of them have been through the retailer Amazon. Mostly purchasing books and music, I’ve found the best deals on this site. I’ve also found that, even without ever talking to someone at Amazon, I feel like they know me there.
When I log in to my account, I’m reminded of the products I was looking at the last time I was there. When I open my e-mails, I’ll get one or two from Amazon with suggestions about what else I may like. More often than not, I review their suggestions and they aren’t half bad. And, the more purchases I make, the better the suggestions they have to offer become.
Now, I know there are people who have had bad experiences with Amazon; just do a quick search online and you’re bound to find plenty of them. This means that the company still has a lot to learn; but, based on my experience alone over the past few years, the team at Amazon seems to be learning at a fast pace.
Whether you’re selling a service or a product, it is a good idea to take a look at what Amazon is doing and try to learn a few things from them.
In an online world where there are few human voices to help you along the way, building trust with potential customers is more difficult, but is still possible. Many people are apprehensive about spending their money online, but people are spending to the tune of billions of dollars a year.
Take a look at your online sales tactics. Are you building trust through offering proof of your past performance online? Are you establishing ways to build a relationship with customers before they make their first purchase?
If not, take a look around at your favorite web sites and follow their lead. It could be something as simple as posting stories on your web site or something a bit more involved like starting individual accounts for customers.
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* IMNewsWatch would like to thank e-Wealth Daily for granting permission to reprint this article.
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