Adrian Newman’s latest ‘e-Wealth Daily’ article is titled “The Thought of Success Could Actually Be an Obstacle”. [Adrian Newman’s Article]

Adrian Newman’s latest ‘e-Wealth Daily’ article:

The Thought of Success Could Actually Be an Obstacle

Recently, my wife decided to resurrect her acting career. Now, if you know anything about acting, it’s probably one of the hardest businesses to be successful in. Whether a casting director likes your face or not can basically mean the difference between you making it or not.

It’s also very unpredictable. You are usually called in for an audition at a moment’s notice, usually during working hours.

So, my wife hummed and hawed for about a year on whether to get back into the acting game, which she’s had mild success with, but nothing that has garnered her a reputation that would make getting auditions easier.

The reason for the delay was that she needed to make sure that, if she got called for an audition, there would be someone to watch our two small children while she was gone. And every time this concern came up, my answer was always, “Worry about that when it comes up.”

But she kept putting it off, until one day I forced her to meet with an agent and get the ball rolling.

Since then, she’s had dozens of auditions, and shot a TV commercial and a print ad. During those times, I’ve either come home to watch our kids or one of our mothers has dutifully helped out.

Either way, anytime that my wife has to leave for a few hours or even a full day, there’s a solution to the problem of what happens with our kids.

And to think she waited a year to get going on this, because she was concerned about this detail.

This is a common issue with people who are trying to get their businesses started. They are focusing on the “What ifs ” and the obstacles that may come with them before the scenario plays out. This is only holding you back.

If you start a small business, but are afraid to take it to the next level because you are worried how it’s going to affect your day job, then you will never grow your business. You have to take the plunge and then worry about the ripple effect of your decision afterwards.

My wife was worrying about what to do if she got an audition before she even got an agent. You might be worrying about how you’re going to juggle a home business start-up and your day job, before you even start your business.

And the worst part about it: you’re actually worried about succeeding! Sounds strange, but the only thing that would affect your day job is if your business was doing well and needed more of your attention.

So, if you think you might be successful and that thought is keeping you from moving forward, instead of fearing that overwhelming feeling of everything rushing in on you at once, embrace it and dive into it. Chances are good that, if things go well, you’ll be able to adapt happily.

e-Wealth Daily

About e-Wealth Daily

The e-Wealth Daily Bulletin brings you daily tips, advice and breaking news related to home businesses, small businesses and internet marketing. Our team of experts gives you the information you need to take your business pursuits to the most profitable level. Founded by Adrian Newman in 2003, the e-Wealth Daily Bulletin and are a division of Lombardi Publishing with online newsletters reaching over 100,000 subscribers each month.

* IMNewsWatch would like to thank e-Wealth Daily for granting permission to reprint this article.

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