‘Read/WriteWeb’ latest blog post is titled “Why Twitter Must Expand Beyond 140 Characters”. [Read/WriteWeb Blog]

‘Read/WriteWeb’ latest blog post:

Why Twitter Must Expand Beyond 140 Characters

Is it the constraint of 140 characters per message that makes Twitter what it is? Or is Twitter now a broader, real-time messaging service that needn’t be constrained by a character limitation?

This is the Creepy, Super Cool Future of Smartphones & Social Networks

There’s very little gray area on this one: You’re either completely excited by the potential for built-in facial recognition combined with smartphones and social networks, or your entirely creeped out and afraid for the future of the planet.

About Read/WriteWeb

Read/WriteWeb is a popular weblog that provides Web Technology news, reviews and analysis. It began publishing on April 20, 2003 and is now one of the most widely read and respected Web 2.0 blogs. Read/WriteWeb is ranked among Technoratis Top 100 blogs in the world. The site is edited by Richard MacManus, a recognized thought leader in the Internet industry.

*IMNewswatch would like to thank Read/WriteWeb for granting permission to reprint an excerpt of the latest RSS Feed.

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