James Burt’s latest é-Wealth Daily’ article is titled “Getting an Ace Web Developer for Info Marketing Success”. [é-Wealth Daily’ Article]

James Burt’s latest é-Wealth Daily’ article:

Getting an Ace Web Developer for Info Marketing Success

As a business professional, there’s always a desire to do everything yourself. You want the job done right and you don’t have money to burn to get someone else to help you. In a sense, this isn’t a bad approach to have, as you know that if you start working on something, you will finish it to the best of your ability. This hard-nosed determination is what’ll drive your business’ success time and again.

But sometimes there are some things you just can’t do.

Since we are in the digital age, a lot of new techniques and mechanisms simply have to be used if you really want to see success. But if you were raised in a time before laptops and the Internet or you just aren’t technologically adept, these new modern tools seem downright scary and there is the idea that you should back off and forget about going forward with your business altogether.

But you don’t have to do this. You just need a bit of help.

In some previous newsletters, we had the chance to do an overview of ClickBank, a new program to help generate some new success for your information marketing business. I was lucky enough to have some web developing associates who could give me some tips about ClickBank. While I was talking with them, I also had some time to pick their brains about current web development. I was curious about what clients would require to get some notice online, and my associates were generous enough to provide such information. Now I can pass it on to you. Here goes:

— Shop Around: My associates obviously pride themselves on their work and aim to be the best in the business. Again, this is not a bad attitude to have if you’re doing the same thing. Funnily enough, they’ve really had to shop around for clients, many of whom would not sign on initially because they had difficulty with other developers. Often developers promise the world, but can’t deliver or lack the skills needed to today for online marketing. As well, they overcharge like mad. Be wary of this. Get good recommendations from friends — specifically other entrepreneurs — who can give thumbs up to a good developer. Don’t just pick the first one you see.

— Know What You Want: If you just want a simple web site, you don’t have to know much about what to ask a developer to do for you. Create a few pages, add some graphics, and get it online fast. But if you’re serious about online marketing, pose some other questions to your developer. Do they understand search engine optimization? Can they allow your site to stream videos and interact with clients? Can they offer regular updates, monitor web site visitor traffic, and make occasional suggestions on how to improve your site? These types of inquires are crucial and, if you aren’t up on them, take some
time to visit your local small business center or library to do some research on what your information marketing business should have to be developed properly online.

— Get a Blueprint Going: The gentlemen I talked to said they had the most success with people who could sit down with a developer and lay out everything that they needed to develop online. Like a piece of architecture, it makes sense to plan all the aspects of your online info marketing scheme out before you head to the construction stage. This allows for a good way to execute the plan and also a way to create good communication with the developers. They can send you sample pages along the way, add suggestions, and alter things simply. It can be a long process, but they often have a way of creating a
blueprint that’s best for you.

— Check the Packages: My associates offer a package system to their clients and they mentioned that most web developers worth their salt do the same. A web development package outlines all the services the developer offers and you as the client can pick and choose which one you want. It usually works on a basic-intermediate-advanced-type system, with sic being a simple web site creation service and advanced offering SEO optimization, blog creation, traffic monitoring, and all other matter of fancy perks. Obviously, you will pay more for the more advanced services, but they might do the
trick and get your info marketing business online, bringing in the dough.

It’s a tough hustle getting your information marketing business working online. But you shouldn’t give up just because it looks tough. Get some help with the right web developer and see your info marketing business go live and alive online.

e-Wealth Daily

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The e-Wealth Daily Bulletin brings you daily tips, advice and breaking news related to home businesses, small businesses and internet marketing. Our team of experts gives you the information you need to take your business pursuits to the most profitable level. Founded by Adrian Newman in 2003, the e-Wealth Daily Bulletin and www.ewealthdaily.com are a division of Lombardi Publishing with online newsletters reaching over 100,000 subscribers each month.

* IMNewsWatch would like to thank e-Wealth Daily for granting permission to reprint this article.

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