James Burt’s latest é-Wealth Daily’ article is titled “Back to School for Info Marketers Like You”. [é-Wealth Daily’ Article]

James Burt’s latest é-Wealth Daily’ article:

Back to School for Info Marketers Like You

Already well into 2011, you are probably working hard to keep your information marketing business going strong. With a regular schedule of research, product development, and client interaction, you’re probably very busy.

As an info marketer you also have to keep learning, staying on top of the latest technology and sales techniques. Here are a few areas you may want to look into learning more about this year:

— Desktop Publishing: If you’ve had problems publishing your material through other sources, be they style or deadline issues, a good desktop publishing course might be for you. With everything being moved from printing presses to laptops, desktop publishing is taking over to allow people to publish their materials in paper, digital, or really whatever format they choose. If you’re an info marketer who’d like to control your
published material more, this course is for you.

— Online Markups and Programming: HTML or SGML? XML? XSL? .Net? This stuff all sounds like secret service codes, but they are just abbreviations for the language you use to code your written content for online publication. Now, you may already have a program or programmer in place to do this for you, but again you might feel the need to improve your control over the info material clients see. Another way to do
that is to sign up for some computer courses that can teach you about the language needed for Internet pages. These markup languages often affect the speed at which your material goes live online and offer options of what you can post. Not happy with your current online material? Get some markup mentorship.

— Securities or Business Course: Now you might be more of a serious business type and want to improve your own financial situation or offer current business info to your clients. Or both. In any case, taking a business course will help you on all personal and professional fronts. It doesn’t have to be a master’s of business administration degree — although that’s not a bad idea — but just a good securities or management course can really help you and your business out a lot.

— Writing, Digital Design, and other Media: You might have gotten complaints about your writing, your web site, or something else related to the media arena you work out of for your info marketing business. This can happen and sometimes just requires an educational upgrade to get you back on track. A good course in professional writing or design or even video creation can really put the energy back into your creative
material. This stuff tends to be exciting and there are loads of colleges, institutions, and university continuing education courses that offer new creative media education.

The one thing to add to all of this is the time factor advantage. People complain about not having time to go to class, but now most of the above courses and several others can be done online right from your home. Info marketers stand to succeed with this — you can work and study at the same time. Life is nice and easy.

e-Wealth Daily

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* IMNewsWatch would like to thank e-Wealth Daily for granting permission to reprint this article.

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