‘How to Regain the Energy That Got You Started’ by John Hurd
John Hurd’s latest ‘e-Wealth Daily’ article is titled “How to Regain the Energy That Got You Started”. [é-Wealth Daily’Article]
John Hurd’s latest ‘e-Wealth Daily’ article:
How to Regain the Energy That Got You Started
The cold weather and shorter days of winter can sure suck the energy right out of you. We’ve all been there. Some days you feel your energy start to fade and the motivation to keep working towards your goals gets harder to sustain. Maybe this happens after a few too many challenges spring up in your way. Or maybe you just aren’t that excited about achieving your goals anymore. Or maybe it’s just the weather.
Now, this isn’t the time to throw in the towel. There are plenty of reasons why you don’t feel as energetic as you once did. There are numerous distractions when it comes to running your own business or reaching a personal goal. And these distractions can all take away from the energy and zeal you once had.
The good news is this: getting back this energy is very possible and not very hard to do.
All it can take is just a few simple steps that can help you identify your strongest motivators and integrate them into your daily routine:
1) Know your motivations. What is it that first brought out energy bursts every time you did that action or had that thought? Is it your friends and family? Is it a singular personal or financial goal? Whatever it may be, you should identify your motivating thought and clearly define it.
2) Identify major distractions. With bills to pay, sales to make, people to contact and everything else that goes into making more money, you’re going to have countless distractions at all times. Some of these are bigger than others and your goal here isn’t to list what stands in your way; it is to understand how these distractions take away from your motivation. Some can bring on thoughts of self-doubt and concern, while others are
simply speed bumps that can’t be avoided.
3) Focus on your motivation. Now that you’ve identified both your motivations and your distractions, it’s time to put them together. Focus on the motivations that bring out your energy in times of stress. Even something as simple as developing a personal mantra such as, “I’m doing this for…,” can help you see beyond the doubt and focus on your goals.
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* IMNewsWatch would like to thank e-Wealth Daily for granting permission to reprint this article.
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