‘What To Look for at Tomorrow’s iPad 2 Event’ – Read/WriteWeb Blog
‘Read/WriteWeb’ latest blog post is titled “What To Look for at Tomorrow’s iPad 2 Event”. [Read/WriteWeb Blog]
‘Read/WriteWeb’ latest blog post:
What To Look for at Tomorrow’s iPad 2 Event
Few events cause such widespread speculation and exuberance as an Apple product announcement, and the company has scheduled one for tomorrow, March 2. Apple is expected to announce the iPad 2, the first upgrade to its massively popular tablet.
Survey Finds Many in Java Community Worried About Oracle’s Leadership
We’ve been chronicling what has been a rather frought six months or so for Java, ever since Oracle filed a lawsuit against Google last summer for copyright infringement in its Android software.
About Read/WriteWeb
Read/WriteWeb is a popular weblog that provides Web Technology news, reviews and analysis. It began publishing on April 20, 2003 and is now one of the most widely read and respected Web 2.0 blogs. Read/WriteWeb is ranked among Technoratis Top 100 blogs in the world. The site is edited by Richard MacManus, a recognized thought leader in the Internet industry.
*IMNewswatch would like to thank Read/WriteWeb for granting permission to reprint an excerpt of the latest RSS Feed.
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