James Burt’s latest é-Wealth Daily’ article is titled “The Info Marketer That Makes Success Look Easy”. [é-Wealth Daily’ Article]

James Burt’s latest é-Wealth Daily’ article:

The Info Marketer That Makes Success Look Easy

I’ve been writing many articles recently with a strong focus on learning. As an information marketing pro, one aspect of your job is to take information and act almost as a teacher to better inform people’s lives. You do this not just to make success for yourself, but also to help others understand things in their life better. In short, you help make life easy for others.

Once I got the chance to help a special person in my life make something easy for herself. She was my mom. Her dilemma: the stereo.

My mom has always been lost when siphoning through all the small print of electronics instruction manuals. Sometimes her level of patience with these things is annoyingly small, but I usually understand her confusion. The truth is that I dislike these things, too. Moreover, I know a whole league of friends and family that loathe this stuff as well. If you had a list of ways to torture someone, puzzling out instructions all day might be at the top of it.

The truth is that the world is a complicated place. I think it always has been, but the advancement of technology and modern amenities hasn’t necessarily made it any easier. Sure there are a lot of things that are supposed to make life easier, but only if you can grasp how to use them. If you can’t get over that hump, then you are going to have difficulty. If this is the case, information marketers are actually in a position to gain in these situations. Since info marketers are in the business of delivering information, they can go further by getting easy-to-use information as a product source to deliver to their clients. By taking complex information and putting it into terms people can understand, the info marketer stands alone as a true, unique entrepreneurial professional. Taking information that already
exists and creating easy-to- understand content from it takes a bit of professional finesse. Obviously, you do not want to plagiarize or copy anything you read. Nor do you want to just translate tough-looking information into baby steps or easy information. Your job as an info marketer is to create info products that make sense of complicated applications, goods, and practices. Thus it goes without saying that you have to know all aspects of your topic and whatever complicated material you are examining. Be it how to repair carburetors or how to use digital photo applications, understand everything before you go to work on your easy-to-use information products.

Once you’ve got the knowledge of your information, set about creating a product that can be used by a client to understand something in particular. The best starting point is an easy-to-use guide for certain hard-to-understand materials, products, or techniques within the context of your information topic. If you’re into auto repair, good, basic repair guides for cars are fantastic, especially these days, as car technology is changing. If you’re using electronics as an info topic, everything from repairs to programming needs easy-to-use info in order for clients to better understand electronics as well. You might think that manuals that already exist for these materials are good enough. In a perfect world, maybe. But event the most savvy of clients prefer to use information products that are written more clearly.

You also have the option of providing easy-to-use info through your newsletters for public products and services. Business info marketers can release new business tips and explanations of business laws in their areas this way. So can computer-based info marketers, who can unlock the mysteries of new software unleashed in the public realms. How-to guides are great, but don’t forget the smaller portions of easy-to-use information that you can release on a regular basis. It’s another vehicle suited for you and your business.

Finally, on a special note, there are those information marketers who have skills in legal, tax, and complicated business matters. They dish out regular tips on related information on these matters. This is great, but sometimes clients come across contracts or documents that are just horrendous to decipher. These info marketers can assist clients one-on-one to explain the document to them for a proper fee, or they can create info products for sale that break the code of the commonly found materials in these fields — i.e. divorce documents, business contracts, property legalese — into a
language that everyone can understand. The only thing to advise on regarding giving out easy-to-read tips on these topics is to make sure you are certified to do so. Make sure you get the right qualifications or certifications to give tax, legal, and business advice beforehand. You’ll save a ton of potential headaches if you do.

The fine print, the step-by-step material of life’s tools and regulations, is often a complicated, sometimes nonsensical, realm to operate in. But if you have the talent to make crazy sounding material seem easy, you can gain your own success by making life easier for everyone else. You are the teacher that so many will look to for help.

e-Wealth Daily

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The e-Wealth Daily Bulletin brings you daily tips, advice and breaking news related to home businesses, small businesses and internet marketing. Our team of experts gives you the information you need to take your business pursuits to the most profitable level. Founded by Adrian Newman in 2003, the e-Wealth Daily Bulletin and www.ewealthdaily.com are a division of Lombardi Publishing with online newsletters reaching over 100,000 subscribers each month.

* IMNewsWatch would like to thank e-Wealth Daily for granting permission to reprint this article.

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