Doug D’Anna’s latest ‘e-Wealth Daily’ article is titled “How to Break Through the Resistance Barrier”. [‘e-Wealth Daily’ Article]

Doug D’Anna’s latest ‘e-Wealth Daily’ article:

How to Break Through the Resistance Barrier

No matter whom you meet in life — no matter how positive you are or how appreciated — you will inevitably come up against a resistance barrier.

Sometimes, metaphorically speaking, the resistance barrier will be 10-feet thick and built of reinforced concrete, while other times it could be only 10 millimeters in thickness.

In either case, in order to get around somebody else’s resistance barrier, you must never fight it, but simply use their force to help get you through it.

Use their negative energy and spin it into a positive one you can use.

This is why I absolutely love the sport of judo, because it teaches you from the beginning how to deal with resistance. Instead of using your own strengths and inner power to throw someone around, you actually use their power.

Funny, isn’t it? You use their strength to win them over.

The same goes for life.

Over the years, I have found that the key to turning the tables is to first understand the barrier you are facing and then use this understanding to get what you want.

Let me explain what I mean by this. Let’s say there is a job promotion you want, but for some reason — perhaps completely unknown to you — your employer will not even consider you for the position. The fact is, no matter how much you try to force it, you are going to go up against a barrier that is not going to move.

However, if you were to first understand your employer’s resistance to your promotion, you would then be able to find out what you could do to make yourself more attractive in their eyes. From there, you could formulate a plan in order to get him or her to back you in this opportunity.

For example, perhaps the job you would like is in another department, and because of this your current boss has mentioned that you should not be transferred. If this is the case, then chances are your boss feels as though you are valuable and are not worth losing to another department.

If this is the case, keep in mind that first of all it is a compliment from your employer that they want to keep you in their department. You should find a way to explain to your boss that, while you really do enjoy working for them, you feel as though you would be better served by working in a different department.

Find common ground; perhaps your boss started off in a different department before being transferred to their current department. Remind them — politely, of course — that they were once in your shoes; that, not that long ago, they, too, were looking to transfer into a department that suited them better. By winning them over, you will have the support system you need for the new job before you know it.

But what if you are looking for a promotion in your department and you cannot get the support you need? Find out why this is. Is there a problem with your job performance, or is it a fact that you are too good at your job and therefore indispensable? I have heard of this conundrum before, where an employee is so good at what they do that nobody wants to see them go, even if it is to a better position. So, sometimes you need to be
dispensable in order to move up!

e-Wealth Daily

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* IMNewsWatch would like to thank e-Wealth Daily for granting permission to reprint this article.

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