‘The Globally Savvy Info Marketer’ by James Burt
James Burt’s latest é-Wealth Daily’ article is titled “The Globally Savvy Info Marketer”. [é-Wealth Daily’ Article]
James Burt’s latest é-Wealth Daily’ article:
The Globally Savvy Info Marketer
Local or international? Neighborhood or Hollywood? Big or small? In the end, the question is always the same: how big do you want your business to become?
In theory, the sky really is the limit. If you’ve been in business for a while or have just started out and found some paid success of any kind, then you’re doing pretty well. Some would-be pros never even get that far.
But there is the issue of actually getting into international markets well outside your own areas and having the chance at success. This is the real challenge. Both you and a lot of other entrepreneurs think this is too hard to do and back off all together.
The truth is that it isn’t impossible. It’s true that cracking international markets is a tough task, but if you think of every kind of popular international products, be they soft drinks or semi-conductors, these companies have managed to get across borders and do business. Once you realize this, you begin to think about how it happens. And this is where info marketers have to take notice.
Both you, as an info marketer, and other entrepreneurs are willing to do anything for global business info. Even in the current economic situation the world is in, people are still keen to receive products from different parts of the world. But, again, the problem of how to do this crops up time and again. As an info marketer, you stand to create a new wave of success for yourself by doing a bit of research and creating some info
products that deal with international business and marketing.
Here’re some good starting points:
— Localized markets: Got good info products selling in your areas? Great, but without trying to rain on your parade, what is popular in your area may not be popular in Edinburgh or Portland, Maine or Oregon, at that. With this problem comes some good inspiration, in that information on finding out what is popular in certain areas is in demand. As an information marketer, you can focus some of your information research on
what is popular in certain areas. If you’re a sports info marketer, you can see where both soccer and hockey flourish. If you’re into automotive information, you can see what cars are popular in what cities. This type of localized or specific information can provide you with tips on what info to create if you want to market to certain areas and provide your clients with the info they crave.
— Taxes, tariffs, and exchanges: A lot of businesspeople look at international borders as walls with armed guards. They are impenetrable. It’s true they are often tough to crack and international laws prevent a lot of business from being done across them. But what people need to know about are the key business points about borders. The tariffs, the costs of transportation, and the taxes or exchange details are available
to the public, but are not obvious. A good info marketer can do a little research on this and provide it in interesting info products to other business pros. Believe me when I say they will thank you for it.
— International transportation: Related to the above, people are also interested in international transport procedures. If pros are doing business across borders, they are likely moving products across them as well. International transport laws, storage facilities, and customs regulations are not so well known to most and, if they aren’t understood, they can get people into trouble. It can really benefit other business types to know about these matters and, if you’ve got the resources to find out about it, you might be sitting on a global business info goldmine.
— Currency exchange: I recommend this for certified business pros. Obviously not everyone should be creating info on this stuff, but if you have an education and/or work history in currency exchange, business pros will really come out of the woodwork to see what you can recommend in terms of international money dealings. Again, I would suggest this only to people who are working in this field. But if you are prepared to get some certification in international currency exchanges, this could be the info topic for you.
I always look at global info as a real two-way street in both info marketing and entrepreneurial business. You learn something by doing it and you help others by providing it. If one takes the time to study business trends outside their own native parameters, they really can do wonders for their success and that of others as well.
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* IMNewsWatch would like to thank e-Wealth Daily for granting permission to reprint this article.
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