Perry Marshall Announces ‘4-Man Intensive Roundtable’ Dates
Perry Marshall has announced the dates for his ‘4-Man Intensive Roundtable’ consultation program. These 2 day, 4-man intensive workshop at Marshall’s home office in Chicago, on June 1-2, July 20-21, Sept 14-15, Oct 26-27, Dec 7-8. [Perry Marshall’s ‘4-Man Intensive Roundtable’ Workshop]
Perry Marshall has announced the dates for his ‘4-Man Intensive Roundtable’ consultation program.
These 2 day, 4-man intensive workshop at Marshall’s home office in Chicago, on June 1-2, July 20-21, Sept 14-15, Oct 26-27, Dec 7-8.
Marshall says, “I want people who:
– Are givers and not just takers. People who positively contribute to group discussions, who desire to help others and derive personal satisfaction by doing so
– Love the exhilaration of the hunt, the joy of challenge, the risk of failure and the thrill of success
– Steadily implement ideas and changes between each meeting and personally embrace Kaizen, continuous improvement
– Genuinely appreciate corrective advice from others. There’s an old Jewish proverb that says, “Correct a fool and he will hate you”.
Perry Marshall’s ‘4-Man Intensive Roundtable’ Workshop
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