Tony Laidig has announced ‘Publish My First Book’ webinar series from Thursday, June 2. Key modules of this series are “The Writing Process”, “The Manuscript Process”, “The Publishing Process”, “The Marketing Process” and “Questions and Answers”. [‘Publish My First Book’ Webinar Series]

Tony Laidig has announced ‘Publish My First Book’ webinar series from Thursday, June 2. Key modules of this series are “The Writing Process”, “The Manuscript Process”, “The Publishing Process”, “The Marketing Process” and “Questions and Answers”.

Laidig says, “Over the course of the 5 Modules in this series, you will discover:

Module One: The Writing Process

The writing process is actually much easier than you might think. Once you realize how many different ways there are for producing your own book, you will wonder why you waited so long.

Module Two: The Manuscript Process

Once your writing is done, the real work begins…turning your written words into a polished manuscript.

Module Three: The Publishing Process

It’s likely that the thought of publishing your own book seems incredibly intimidating. The truth is that it doesn’t have to be.

Module Four: The Marketing Process

It’s not enough to get your book into print, if you actually want to sell any books, you have to marketing them. No one else is connected to your message like you are and you make the perfect spokesperson for your new book.

Module Five: Questions and Answers

Module Five is specifically for answering any questions you have concerning the writing process, the publishing process and more. If you need more clarity on anything that was shared (or not shared) during this series, this module is where to get those questions answered!”

Tony Laidig’s ‘Publish My First Book’ Webinar Series

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