‘Google PageRank: SEO Treasure or Fool’s Gold? What the Experts Say…’ – SitePro News Blog
David Jackson says, “One of the most controversial, misunderstood, confusing and debated topics in the SEO universe is the importance of PageRank”. [SitePro News Blog]
‘SitePro News’ blog post:
Google PageRank: SEO Treasure or Fool’s Gold? What the Experts Say…
David Jackson says, “One of the most controversial, misunderstood, confusing and debated topics in the SEO universe is the importance of PageRank. But let me be specific here. When I use the term “PageRank”, I’m not talking about Google’s 0-10 logarithmic toolbar PageRank, which is nothing more than a “superficial beauty contest” vanity tool – very much out-of-date, and does NOT have a direct impact on a site’s ranking”.
Google PageRank: SEO Treasure or Fool’s Gold? What the Experts Say……
SitePro News
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