Ben Johnson has released an audio from ‘John Carlton’s Action Seminar 2011’. [John Carlton’s Action Seminar 2011 Recording]

Ben Johnson has released an audio from ‘John Carlton’s Action Seminar 2011’.

Johnson says, “We planned on keeping this to 15-20 minutes, but we ended up clocking in at nearly 45 minutes as we covered everything from…

• Brian Johnson’s “second chance” tactics for shooting webinar attendance through the ceiling…

• Stan Dahl’s fatal “Good Idea Trap” (see if you’re already stuck – and how to pull out of it)…

• Lisa Wagner’s “Layer Cake” method for getting 7 times the profits from what you’realready doing…

… and much more.

We considered making this an opt-in-only “bribe”… but in celebration of the new site, you can listen/download it here opt-in-free”.

Ben Johnson’s ‘John Carlton’s Action Seminar 2011’ Recap Call

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