‘Market With Your Own List of Great Web Sites’ – DrNunley’s Marketing Tips eZine
DrNunley’s ‘Marketing Tips’ ezine article titled “Market With Your Own List of Great Web Sites” is reprinted here. [‘DrNunley’s eZine Article]
DrNunley’s ‘Marketing Tips’ ezine article is reprinted here.
Market With Your Own List of Great Web Sites
The Internet has a wealth of great information. It’s all there free for the taking IF you’ve got enough time to search for it. With the average work week reaching toward 60 hours, very few of us have the luxury of spending the day picking through search engines and directories. We appreciate it greatly when others do the work for us and tell us which good sites to see.
If you have found web sites that are useful to people in your business–share them. Make a list of your favorite sites along with a short explanation of what each offers and why it is special. Put your contact and ad info at the bottom of the list.
Lists of hand-picked web sites are one of the most valuable gifts you can give a client, prospect, or customer. They make great marketing.
Marie writes, “I’ve got a list of 10 great web sites. Could I build a newsletter around that?”
Absolutely! Several of my favorite ezines regularly list several great web sites along with a regular list of standards. I find it a real time saver, idea generator, and I save these newsletters for later reference. You’ll also find customers and prospects will pass your list on to others who could also become customers or associates.
About the Author
Kevin Nunley is the Net’s #1 copywriter. Thousands of businesses have relied on Kevin for quality sales letters, web site copy, ads, and press releases. You get sizzling copy in the style you need, fast service, and affordable prices that are hard to beat. And that makes YOU look GOOD. http://DrNunley.com/. Reach him from his site via email.
*IMNewswatch would like to thank Dr. Kevin Nunley for granting permission to reprint this latest article.
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