‘Serial Writing Formula: 1=5+2=7+1’ by Patsi Krakoff
Patsi Krakoff’s latest ‘Writing on the Web’ blog post is titled “Serial Writing Formula: 1=5+2=7+1”. [Writing on the Web]
Patsi Krakoff’s latest ‘Writing on the Web’ blog post:
Serial Writing Formula: 1=5+2=7+1
Krakoff says, “I’m no math genius, nor do I even think remotely like that in analytical terms. But once in a while I stumble upon something that makes sense, saves time, and produces exponential results.
I’m talking about serial writing. You take one main concept, break it down into a list of 5 key elements, write an introductory overview, write a concluding summary, and here’s what you get”.
Serial Writing Formula: 1=5+2=7+1
Patsi Krakoff’s Writing on the Web Blog
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