‘Successfully Living The 4-Hour Workweek Through Outsourcing’ by John Jonas
John Jonas’ latest blog post is titled “Successfully Living The 4-Hour Workweek Through Outsourcing”. [John Jonas’ Blog]
John Jonas’ latest blog post:
Successfully Living The 4-Hour Workweek Through Outsourcing
Jonas says, “Living the 4-Hour Workweek lifestyle isn’t difficult…
It just takes implementationI met Dion Riccardo at Jeff Mills Outsourcing Workshop last weekend in Minneapolis.
He told me he was there for 2 reasons:
1. To thank me for changing his life 2. To hear me speak again
(I’m not doing this to brag…I’m posting this so you’ll see that this is really real)”.
Successfully Living The 4-Hour Workweek Through Outsourcing
John Jonas’ Blog
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