Brad Callen’s ‘SEO Link Vine Elite Network 7’ Closing Soon
Brad Callen has announced that the ‘SEO Link Vine Elite Network 7’ is open for a few hours only. According to Callen, the ‘SEO Link Vine Elite’ network enables its members to get ranked for different keywords phrases.
Callen says, “Network #7 is officially our strongest network of blogs to date. It contains the most high Page Rank blogs, as well as the overall oldest/most aged blogs of any network.
Why does this matter and why should you care?
I know you probably already know, but in case you don’t, the higher the Page Rank, and the older the blogs, the more powerful a backlink from that blog will be, in terms of getting you a #1 Google ranking.
If you want literally guaranteed increases in your Google Ranking, visit the link and sign up as one of the first 50.
I can’t promise it’ll be open still, but if you go as soon as you get this email, it should be.”.
Brad Callen’s ‘SEO Link Vine Elite Network 7’
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