‘The $80 Million Dollar Sales Letter Tweak’ – Ryan Deiss’ Video
Ryan Deiss has released a video titled “The $80 Million Dollar Sales Letter Tweak” in the “Digital Marketer” content series.
Ryan says, “I wanted to send you a link to the next installment in my “Digital Marketer” content series: a must-see video I’m calling:
“The $80 Million Dollar Sales Letter Tweak”
Check it out: https://touchstone.infusionsoft.com/go/80sl/expert
Don’t worry, there’s no additional opt-in required to access the video, you’ve already subscribed and confirmed.
All you need to do is click the link below and watch the video on the site:
Recently, I was at one of our member’s office in Baltimore Maryland. This is a huge company, with over $500 million per year in annual sales. So imagine my surprise when the CEO of the company came up to me and shook my hand and said “thanks for the $80 million increase to our business.”
“What did I do?” I asked…
It turns out the company had taken one sales letter tactic from one of my trainings and applied it across just SOME of the offers in their business. And in one year, they experienced an $80 million increase in sales!
It was a company record.
So what was the $80 million sales letter magic?
I thought you might ask, so I made ANOTHER free video to not just tell you about it, but to demonstrate it live”.
Ryan Deiss’ ‘The $80 Million Dollar Sales Letter Tweak’ Video
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