‘How The Identity Factor Affects Memberships’ – Sean D’Souza’s Article
Sean D’Souza’s latest ‘PsychoTactics’ article is titled “How The Identity Factor Affects Memberships”.
How The Identity Factor Affects Memberships
So a client has two sets of $250.
One says $250.
The other says $250.
Do they look exactly the same to you?
They do, don’t they?
But how the client spends the $250 on your business is what’s
crucial. If they spend one type of $250, they may consume a bit
of it and never come back, or come back infrequently. If they
spend another type of $250, they come back over and over, and
then spend far more than $250.
In some cases, they move from $250 to $500, even $10,000 or
more. And over the lifetime of the client, they may not just
be very profitable for your business, but also get in other
clients just like them, thus adding to your reputation and
revenue streams.
But which $250 will you choose?
Heh, heh, I’ve been teasing you, but let’s get to the point with
an example, shall we? Let’s say a client is a member of your
membership site. And the annual fees for the site are $250.
A membership site is a lot like a gym membership. If you use the
gym facilities, you keep paying for it over the years. But if you
don’t use it, along comes your New Year resolution day, and you
let your membership lapse. The same applies to a membership site
that’s not being used.
And there’s a reason why membership sites are not used to their
But now that client has paid $250 for the membership, and so they
feel the need to dip in their toes from time to time, but it’s
not enough. It doesn’t matter what’s in the site–doesn’t matter
at all.
You could have the most amazing content, the greatest
interviews etc. It doesn’t matter for a good majority of the
people on your membership site. That’s because your fantabulous
content is driving the clients nuts. They want to consume the
content, but for most of your members it comes too thick and
fast. And so, like the gym membership, they don’t consume and the
renewal doesn’t go through.
But what if the clients were to do a $250 course?
Now things change. This course has changed the dynamics
completely. They’ve got their membership and yet they want to
further their education, and so they spend the second $250 on the
The course may be something like learning how to draw
cartoons, or how to write headlines, or write articles etc. It
may not necessarily be a very long course and may just last
four-eight weeks. But the value of the additional paid course is
often greater than the membership.
“Of course it is”, you say aloud!
“The membership has a ton of information, but it’s not always
specific to a person’s needs. A course on the other hand is
specific. ” Fair enough. But that’s not the sole magic of the
course. The magic of the course lies in the factor of identity.
The moment the client is segregated from the rest of the member’s
group, there’s a shift in their brain. They’re now a select
audience. And this gives every member a sense of identity. Being
in a smaller group is critical (this is why at Psychotactics we
have just 33 participants at a workshop, and no more than 20
people on any given course).
Now they consume at a far greater level
And more importantly, they get a sense of identity. A member that
hasn’t participated at all in a larger group, when encouraged
well, will suddenly sprout wings and become exceedingly prolific
in their contribution. The more prolific they get, the more
they’re respected and accepted by the group.
And the identity grows. Now the member is not just a member of a
boring membership site. Now the course has made them feel relaxed.
Made them feel at home. And it just so happens that the member is
learning a new skill and gaining enormous confidence as well.
What happens next?
A course is a drug. If conducted well, a member will want to be
part of another course and another and another, always upgrading
skills as they go along. But with every minor upgrade, they get
more confident and wander into the main membership area where
they start to contribute as well.
So someone doing the cartooning or headlines course may stay
well the limits of the cartooning course for the duration of
the course, but once the course is over, an inevitable emptiness
fills the space.
That emptiness has to be filled
And it’s filled by the main membership area. Almost the entire
group will then move to the main area where they will participate
with invigorated gusto and bonhomie. The identity factor has
kicked into top gear. They no longer feel they’re just another
name or number. They feel part of the group and hence participate
willingly. Incredible as it may sound, they need to pay the
second $250 to get the greatest value from the first $250.
The membership did indeed cost them $250 (that’s the first $250)
but it’s the second $250 (for the course) that makes the
difference to ease the transition of no identity to identity. The
more they participate in the course, the more they tend to
participate in the general area. Makes sense, doesn’t it? After
all we’re all slightly unnerved when we get into a new space, or
travel to a new city. But give us a few days in that city and
give us a few friendly faces, and we’re happy as clams. Makes
perfect sense!
But if this is so effective, why charge $250? Why not have the
course free?
For one, courses take enormous time and planning. Even if you’ve
done a course before, there are still squillions of things to
consider. So unless you’ve got tons of resources and time, it’s
better to do a paid course. The second factor is that of
increased consumption.
A member that joins a paid course is thrice as likely to completely
the course as one who hasn’t paid for the course. This doesn’t
mean you can’t make a free course extremely valuable. It can be
done. However if you can charge a client, it’s important to do so,
both for the client as well as you.
But this is where the first $250 comes into play
If the client is not a member of your site, then they go out into
the ‘wild open spaces’ once the course is complete. But if
they’re a member, they go right back into the community and start
This enhances their sense of identity. In their own minds they’re
no longer newbies. But more so, and I know you’ve been paying
attention, they are part of this group. This is their herd, tribe,
hangout–whatever you want to call it. This is where they have a
space to congregate and participate.
So goody, this applies to some fancy information site. But how
does it apply to a cafe?
Or a yoga class? Or an online site that sells tea?
It does. And the moment we go through the first example, you’ll
work it out for the others as well. Let’s say you have a yoga
class. And heck yeah, you get people to show up to that class on
a regular or irregular basis. But see, there’s no identity in
Everyone shows up. They unfold their mats. They nod politely to
their neighbour next door. And they’re off. No one cares. No
identity at all.
Now change the identity dynamics
Offer a weekend course, or even a 5-hour course. Keep the numbers
small. Then make sure everyone knows each other at the start of
the course. And as the course advances, get the participants to
work in groups (there’s safety in numbers). The more they work in
the group, the more they get to know the others within the group.
And by the end of the course or weekend, they get to know
everyone. They may not need to get along with everyone, but to
know everyone and develop additional knowledge on the subject is
enough to create a solid sense of identity. Once the identity has
been melded into place, this spills back to the regular yoga
Now when they get back, they’re no longer just participants.
You got it! They have a sense of identity. They’re part of
something and better at something and they know someone. The same
applies to a cafe. Yes you drink coffee at the cafe and you do
the same nodding at familiar faces, but there’s no sense of
identity. But have a special event just for the cafe folks–even a
small wine and cheese evening, and watch the change in dynamics.
But what if you’re that online tea company? There are ways to
create a niche group.
Everyone gets to meet and introduce each other. Then everyone is
tasting the same tea. The person from New Zealand is drinking the
same tea as the person from Paris, Texas. And they’re
interacting. They’re getting a sense of identity and expertise.
And you’re getting a sense of the importance of identity as well,
aren’t you?
But you may well miss out on the important aspects of this second
$250 exercise…
The most important factor is not to simply have another course.
If the yoga class instructor has a weekend course and doesn’t get
the group to work and mingle, this concept of identity doesn’t
come to the fore.
If the groups are not made into smaller groups, it won’t work. Then
all you’re really doing is taking the big yoga class and creating
a mini yoga class. You’re not getting the group to mingle and
meet. And it’s in that mingling and meeting that you foster the
sense of identity.
This is one (just one) of the reasons why a Psychotactics course
has such a high rate of success
The Article Writing Course course is the toughest writing course
in the world (one participant said it was the toughest in the
universe). Yet between 80-90% stick out the entire duration of
the course (we’re talking three months of daily grind here. Think
of 90 days of slog and you’ll get the idea).
And the same applies to the Headlines Course. We’ve seen more
drop off in some courses, but it’s work in progress. Sometimes
the course itself needs tweaking. Sometimes it’s the group
dynamics. Sometimes it’s the pricing (higher priced courses get
higher consumption). But we’re going off track here…
So the high rate of success is because every course is firstly,
Yes, we could easily have a group of 500 people, but it wouldn’t
help foster any sort of lasting identity. Then every group within
the course is split into smaller groups.
So a group of 20 will be split up into 4-5 groups. The sense of
identity is greatly enhanced in the tiny group, then taken over
to the main group and finally finds a voice in the larger group
(that is the membership at 5000bc). The small, small, small
groups are critical. The merging into the bigger groups are also
critical. This isn’t about just having a workshop. This is kinda
like making buddies. People you know and trust, at least on some
Which is why we’ll have a Psychotactics workshop
We live in New Zealand, and yet we’ll fly half way across the
planet to have a workshop in the US or Canada (Yes, we’re coming
to Europe) just so that we can do this very thing.
We need the Psychotactics group to meet at a course, get smarter,
get into smaller and then bigger and then bigger groups. If a
person is part of a course, they are more likely to join 5000bc to keep
their sense of identity and expertise going. If they don’t join
5000bc, they go their own way.
The members that stay within 5000bc consume more and buy more
This boosts revenue and longevity of the client. But the client
isn’t an idiot. They would buy more and consume more only if
they’re getting a return on their time and money investment.
And they do, so they keep coming back. This becomes extremely
important for the group, because now the group has members with a
solid sense of identity, expertise and hence the conversation
becomes extremely rich and diverse. And confident.
You see passion and confidence oozing and this spills over to other
members, who in turn benefit. This allows the participants in the
course to give back, when they can. And participation soars, even
with a small community.
But what happens to the person that goes their own way?
They may come back. They may not. If they don’t join the
membership site, their identity isn’t forged. It’s possible to
get them to come back and start anew, but the whole process is a
lot more time-consuming. Therefore you need to have a place where
a client can spend $250 and $250.
$250 gets them into a membership.
$250 gets them into a course.
Which one is better? If I had to choose, I wouldn’t. Because it’s
a bit of a toughie. The key is the understanding that over time
you need to have both the elements in place. You need the course
and you need the membership area.
So you need to have your regular yoga class and you need to have
the course. You need to have the coffee addiction and the special
event. You have to have the membership site at 5000bc and the
live workshop.
But what if you don’t have both?
Then a good place is to start somewhere. Somewhere a person can
get a sense of identity. A membership site may well be some
distance away. So announce a course. And get people to join and
interact. Then you can move them onwards. If you don’t have a
course, put together a book (or a booklet).
When we started with Psychotactics, we had no book, no
membership. But we did have a tiny list and they bought into The
Brain Audit (which was just 16 pages long at the time). That
group of buyers were invited to join 5000bc in the year 2003. At
a annual membership of $7 a year (yes, a year). They joined.
Later the fee went up and up–and it continues to rise. But the
members stayed. We had courses that they attended and they came
along. And it reinforced their identity. So they stayed.
We obviously do things a lot better than we did back in the year
2003, or 2004 or 2010 for that matter. And you want to start
somewhere. And realise that having a course leads to the
membership, which leads to the course, which leads back to the
membership, which leads back to a course, which leads to the
membership…you’re getting the picture aren’t you?
You may not charge $250. You may charge $7.
The concept is the same. If you want lasting revenue, you must
create a sense of intense identity with your clients. They in
turn will repay this identity by adding to the group and learning
from you, and buying your product or service over and over again.
Sean D’Souza
©Psychotactics Ltd. All rights reserved.
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*IMNewswatch would like to thank Sean D’Souza and Psychotactics for granting permission to reprint this latest article.
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