‘Netbooks, Notebooks, Notepads, And Laptops’ by Gail Trahd
Gail Trahd’s latest article is titled “Netbooks, Notebooks, Notepads, and Laptops”.
Trahd says, “I remember the first computer I ever owned. It cost me almost $3,000 over 19 years ago. I bought it before I was even pregnant with my first children (twins) who are now 19 almost 20. I learned how to use DOS (no Windows in those days) and how to run Word Perfect to perfection. It was HUGE – slight difference from the laptops I use today. So what is the best piece of hardware for the work we do?”.
Netbooks, Notebooks, Notepads, and Laptops
*This news post was submitted by Gail Trahd.
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