‘Worldwide Brands’ has released their latest ‘Product Sourcing Newsletter’, complete with product sourcing tips for home-based e-tailers, upcoming trade shows, and spotlighted eCommerce wholesalers. The featured article is titled “Understanding Market Research”.

Understanding Market Research

By: Chris Malta, CEO WorldwideBrands.com

Another long, slow Summer has come to an end, my friend. While temperatures outside are cooling off, ECommerce Sales will be heating up at a rapid pace. We’re now entering the time of year when EBiz Sales start climbing into the hottest time of the year; the pre-Holiday Season.

One of the least understood elements of Home-based Internet Business is Market Research. It seems like such a complicated thing to do that very few of your competitors will ever do it. Most people just blindly place whatever products they like for sale online, and hope they sell.

People who become truly successful in Home-based Internet Business do a little more than that, and one of the things they do that’s most critical to their success is Market Research. If you take the time to learn what Market Research is all about, I promise you that you will gain a serious edge over at least 80% of your Home-based competition online. That edge, of course, translates into increased profit.

Market Research is about looking at the products that people are buying and selling online, and using certain information in those trends to choose the products that have the best chance of selling well. It involves looking at the Demand for a product, the Competition that’s out there, the General Awareness about the product online, the amount that others are spending to Advertise the product on the Net, and several other things.

This is what the big, successful chain stores do when they choose products to place on their shelves.

You can do it too, very effectively. You just have to learn some basic rules. For example, if there’s a lot of Demand for a product, that can be good. However, if there is more Competition than Demand, that’s not good. Another example: If there’s very little Competition for a product, that can be good, but if the General Awareness on the Internet is very low for that product, that makes a low level of Competition less meaningful, because low General Awareness means that people won’t even be searching online for the product.

See what I mean? Learning Market Research is about learning a set of guidelines and general rules that will help you decide whether a product is worth trying to sell online.

This is an extremely important subject, but it’s much more than I can explain to you in a Newsletter! That’s why this particular Newsletter is one of those rare Newsletters in which I’m going to recommend an eBook to you.

If you’ve been reading our Newsletter for any length of time, you know that we don’t do that very often. This Newsletter is about content, not product sales. The same thing is true of our Web Site. Unlike most other informational web sites, who throw advertisements at you for anything they think they can take you for, we recommend and put our reputation behind only a few other people’s products and services that we know will benefit you. We ONLY recommend things that we know for a fact are for real.

If you want that competitive edge over more than 80% of other Home-based EBiz Owners, the eBook “Simple Market Research” is the place you want to start. I strongly suggest that you check it out atwww.SimpleMarketResearch.com

Don’t forget that we here at WorldwideBrands.com also have built in Market Research in our Product Sourcing Tool. The Simple Market Research eBook is a great companion for our lifetime membership.

The pre-Holiday Season is heating up already; now is the time to learn how to stay ahead of the pack when it comes to knowing what products your customers will be looking for this year!

Product Sourcing Newsletter

* IMNewswatch would like to thank Worldwide Brands for granting permission to reprint this newsletter article.

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