‘Shiny New Idea Syndrome, Niche Attention, Branding Challenge News’ by Tiffany Dow
Tiffany Dow’s latest blog post is titled “Shiny New Idea Syndrome, Niche Attention, Branding Challenge News”.
Dow says, “Hi everyone! Well I went to bed SO aggravated last night – someone tried racking up charges in my business bank account. But I was on the ball and so was my bank! The company where they charged a laptop or something (http://www.cheetahdeals.com) was on the ball too – they stopped the shipment and had my account credited back before I woke up – how great are they? And guess one of the funny places the thief charged something at? A catholic store! Some Christian they are, right?”.
Shiny New Idea Syndrome, Niche Attention, Branding Challenge News
Tiffany Dow’s Blog
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