Mari Smith is offering a free four-part webinar series to the buyers of her ‘The New Relationship Marketing’ book.

Smith says, “When you purchase a copy of my brand new book The New Relationship Marketing, you’ll get a ticket to attend my four-part webinar series absolutely FREE! All sessions will be recorded if you can’t make them live or if you wish to go back and review anytime.

Here’s how it works:

STEP 1: Purchase a copy of The New Relationship Marketing from any store or any online source. Hard copy, Kindle, or Nook versions all count for your free webinar ticket! Most popular sources for the book are,, and For all the options, see this page (opens in a new window so you can come back here to register below).

STEP 2: Once you’ve ordered your book, just scroll below to fill out your name and email address and your seat will be saved for the FREE four-part online workshop series.

That’s it! No need to fax, scan, upload, email, or snail mail your proof of purchase. This is the honor system. I trust that you’ll get a copy of the book and I look forward to meeting you on the webinars!”

Mari Smith’s Free Webinar Series with ‘The New Relationship Marketing’ Book

Mari Smith’s ‘The New Relationship Marketing’ Book

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