The latest issue of ‘The New Early to Rise’ newsletter has been released. The featured article is titled “Why You Are a Rock Star”.

Craig Ballantyne says, “Last Friday afternoon down in South Beach, Florida, I spent the day with a group of like-minded men and women in a group called Maverick Business Adventures (a unique organization started by one of my mentors, Yanik Silver).

We had the pleasure of hearing from a unique individual and true maverick, Frank McKinney. I had first met Frank on a previous Maverick Business Adventure in Aspen, Colorado back in 2008. Frank explained his business philosophy and spent a lot of time on his philanthropic focus, helping to rebuild homes in Haiti (and this was long before the devastating earthquake of 2010)”.

Read rest of the article on ‘The New Early To Rise’ newsletter site.

‘The News Early To Rise’ Newsletter

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