John Delavera has opened the ‘Fast SEO Mentoring’ group 5 registrations.

Delavera says, “My adventure started when I ordered a software from a WSO promising to do that exact thing. Only it did not do it. However, by observing how the software worked I recorded the procedure in my mind, twisted some “filters” and started testing it.

I repeated the procedure over 10 times and I can tell you for sure that it works flawlessly. That is: the method is REPEATABLE!!!

Guess what should be my next move?

Perhaps… to automate the procedure? 😉

That’s what I did.:)

I contacted a special coder that creates BOTS and told him what I want the bot to do for me. He is going to deliver the bot in some days. 😉

Here is the cherry on the pie:

I shall deliver the bot as an extra bonus to the mentorees of Group 5 of my Fast SEO Mentoring at

Enjoy your Sunday evening or Monday morning depending where you are located on Earth!”

John Delavera’s ‘Fast SEO Mentoring’

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