Tiffany Dow’s latest blog post is titled “Everything’s $1 PLR and Products to Pamper My Affiliates”.

Dow says, “When I first ran this WSO, I had 100 new affiliates promoting my PLR Min Mart so I ran a special where I listed THEIR links, not mine, and let all sales go through them.

Now, there are 142 affiliates (more actually but these sent me their link for this offer) and I want to do it again for two reason:

1. It helps my Warrior friends get a TON of prime PLR for just $1 a pop at a time when it’s badly needed – the economy and right after the holidays and before starting a New Year when people can’t afford to put much toward their business”.

Everything’s $1 PLR and Products to Pamper My Affiliates

Tiffany Dow’s Blog

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