‘A Year in Review’ by Tiffany Dow
Tiffany Dow’s latest blog post is titled “A Year in Review”.
Dow says, “Just for fun I went back through my 2011 blog posts starting with January first and did a rewind snippet of what I went through this year. That was fun for me! See if you remember any of this:
January saw me having to redo all my bookmarks because I accidentally wiped them all out. Guess what? That happened to me this week. Some people never learn. I was making plans for a Baby Boomer course with mom that never came to fruition. The first few days I had no Internet connection because some diggers cut our access. That must have frustrated me! I was video blogging almost every day on YouTube. I was doing those 2011 sites with 2011 in the domains. Errr…stupid with hindsight”.
A Year in Review
Tiffany Dow’s Blog
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