Ryan Deiss is holding the ‘Traffic & Conversion Summit’ in Hyatt Regency Hotel, Austin TX on January 27-29, 2012. Key speakers of this summit include MaryEllen Tribby,  Perry Belcher, and Ryan Deiss.

Deiss says, “Here are some additional “Special Features” you should know about the Traffic and Conversion Summit:

1. All content, no pitches. I said it earlier and I’ll say it again: This is a content only event! You’re coming here to learn…not to buy. There’s a time and place for platform selling, but this isn’t it.

2. No guest speakers…you get us for 3 days straight (for better or worse). :o)

3. Strictly limited to 500 primary participants. We want to encourage lots of
questions and discussion, so it’s essential that we keep the group small.

4. Module-based teaching. The training will be delivered in short, 45 – 60 minute modules with ample time allowed for questions and discussions. In other words, if you have a question about a concept that we’re presenting, you’ll have time to get an answer.

5. A generous training manual with all our PowerPoint presentations, notes, examples, and relevant articles will be provided at the event. Unedited recordings will also be made available at the end of the event, but only live attendees will be allowed to purchase them. In other words, if you cannot make it to the event, please do not call or email my office asking if you can purchase the recordings. The answer will be “No.”

6. Prerequisite reports and book recommendations will be provided to all registrants to insure the high caliber of everybody attending. (HINT: You’ll learn more from these reports than you’d typically learn at other 3-day events.)”.

Ryan Deiss’ ‘Traffic & Conversion Summit’, TX, January 27-29

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