The latest issue of ‘The New Early to Rise’ newsletter has been released. The featured article is titled “How Money Can Buy Happiness”.

Craig Ballantyne says, “In the late 1970’s one of my best friends and his family escaped from Armenia, then under communist rule. In fact, his father bought their way to America via Italy, eventually settling in California (legally). In the decades since then, my friend has gone on to graduate high school, drop out of college, and eventually build a 7-figure business on the Internet allowing his family to live the American Dream.

Sure there were rough times along the way after they arrived in Southern California with almost no money and poor English. For the first few years my friend had to dumpster dive behind grocery stores in order to help feed the family. But over time, things got better. His parents got jobs. They worked hard. And my friend went on to experience the rewards of being an entrepreneur who adds value to the world”.

Read rest of the article on ‘The New Early To Rise’ newsletter site.

‘The News Early To Rise’ Newsletter

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