It’s Nice, but is it News?
We don’t publish all the internet marketing news items we receive, but we haven’t been too restrictive, either. So we have published information about well-known marketing trainers, as well as info about lesser known people and their work.
This has served our readers well for years. However, the time has come to apply additional criteria to stories we publish. The specific problem I currently see relates to webinars.
With the recent introduction of systems that make it easy to record a webinar and repeatedly broadcast it ad infinitum, we have been seeing a large number of repetitive notices, identical to the one before it, except for the date of the replay.
The webinar may be wonderfully educational, but it is no longer news. It’s making NewsWatch less interesting by lowering the average newsworthiness of its stories. So it’s time to stop the repetition.
From now on, we will publish a maximum of two notices prior to the first airing of the webinar and a maximum of one notice about a replay. That gives adequate publicity to the webinar, and helps level the playing field so that marketers who can afford automated replay systems don’t have an advantage over those who only can do things manually.
I welcome comments on this policy change.
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