‘Hidden Friction: The 6 silent killers of conversion’ MarketingExperiments Webinar March 14
MarketingExperiments is hosting a webinar on Wednesday, March 14 at 4.00 pm EDT. The topic of the webinar is “Hidden Friction: The 6 silent killers of conversion”.
MarketingExperiments team says, “Friction in a Web conversion process is generally easy to point out if you’re an experienced marketer.
Or so it seems …
There are always three elements to look for:
1. The number of form fields
2. The number of steps in a process
3. The length of the page itself
But there are several other elements of friction that are significantly more difficult to detect and pose a serious threat to your conversion rate.
In our next Web clinic, Dr. Flint McGlaughlin will be discussing this “hidden” friction, and how you can overcome it.”
Webinar Details
Organizer: MarketingExperiments
Topic: Hidden Friction: The 6 silent killers of conversion
Day/Date: Wednesday, March 14
Time: 4.00 pm EDT – Time Zone Converter
Register for webinar details.
‘Hidden Friction: The 6 silent killers of conversion’ Webinar
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