‘How to understand Google’s latest ranking algorithm’ – ‘Axandra Search Engine Facts’
The latest issue of ‘Axandra Weekly Search Engine Facts’ has been released. The featured article titled “How to understand Google’s latest ranking algorithm”.
How to understand Google’s latest ranking algorithm
In an online forum, webmasters are discussing Google’s latest algorithm. It seems that things have become very complicated and that it is difficult to keep up with Google’s latest changes. What can you do to get your website listed with Google’s latest ranking algorithm?
Things have changed and you cannot follow the old rules
The thread starter summarizes the problem:
“In the past, we all knew that search engines were just a bit more complicated than they appeared, but we created mental models that did a pretty good job explaining the SERPs and we let it go at that… for a long long time.
I like to think of those old models as the ‘punch list’ approach – here’s all the factors we think Google measures and combines into their recipe – let’s make sure we hit each one. […]
As several members had shared here recently, Google may be so complicated that no one anywhere understands the whole thing any more.”
One-size does NOT fit all
Different websites get different rankings and Google’s uses different algorithms for different keyword types. It makes a difference if your query indicates that you’re looking for information or if your query shows that you want to buy something.
That’s why we developed the Top 10 Optimizer. The Top 10 Optimizer in IBP analyzes the top 10 ranked pages and compares these pages to your website. Then you will get detailed information on what you have to change so that your website gets listed on Google’s first result page.
Up-do-date information that works with Google’s latest algorithm
The beauty of IBP’s Top 10 Optimizer is that it automatically works with Google’s latest algorithm and the specific keyword type that you target.
The idea is simple: the websites that currently have top 10 rankings must have done everything right. They have all the elements that are needed to get listed on Google’s first result page.
Information that is tailored to your website and your keyword
The Top 10 Optimizer analyzes the on-page content of your web page, the backlinks and the social mentions. You will get detailed information on what exactly you have to change and how you have to change it.
The Top 10 Optimizer analyzes all factors and their influence on the position of a web page for the targeted keyword.
Google’s algorithm has become very complex but it is possible to optimize your website for this algorithm.
Although the Top 10 Optimizer in IBP does not fully reverse-engineer Google’s ranking algorithm, it comes close enough to make sure that your website will be listed on the first result page for your keywords.
The method works so well that we can offer a top 10 ranking guarantee: if you use IBP as described in the manual and do not get top 10 rankings for your keywords, you will get your money back.
Table of contents:
– Facts of the week
– Search engine news and articles of the week
– Success stories
– Previous articles.
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*IMNewswatch would like to thank Andre Voget and Axandra for granting permission to reprint the latest article.
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