Your goal is to get local businesses to sell themselves on hiring you, so you don’t have to sell them. Help them recognize their need for themselves. Then help them come to you to fill the need.

They need to be concerned about their reputation online. They may not know what their online reputation is. You can show them, and once they see they are in trouble, you’re the natural person to help them solve the problem.

Chris Ramsey makes this easy with a sales letter he has drafted for you. His sales letter is crafted to grab the prospects attention and show them their painful situation, while letting them know that you can help them. When you show them proof, it makes it that much more likely that they will pick up the phone and call. No hard sell needed. Just show them the problem, and let them know that you can help. If they want help, they will call you.

All the steps to provide the service are outlined in this no-fluff report. Plus, he gives you a website where you can advertise your services. Find out more here.

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