Don’t promote the same local services all the other local consultants are pushing. Offer a unique approach. Jimmy Reilly shows how in his new Bing Mobile Madness. All the other consultants are preaching Google Places. Be different. Show merchants the power of Bing Business Portal.

Reilly says Bing Business Portal is like Google Places on steroids. Using it, your clients can rank well on Bing’s local search, their business also shows up on mobile listings, Bing news, and they have a free QR tag generator they can use whenever they want.

You can charge local merchants to set up their Business Portal. Then Bing handles the rest.

Most local businesses have ignored Bing. You shouldn’t. It amounts to 30% of searches so it can have a significant impact on a business’s success. Discover how to add Bing to your local consulting here.

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