If you don’t know where to start to get your marketing off the ground, it would be hard to beat this $1 report. It discusses all the topics that may have been plaguing you:
* How to do keyword research effectively, using the google keyword tool
* How to choose a domain name with the keywords you select in your niche
* Choosing the write webhost for your squeeze page using Hostgator
* How to use the file manager in the cpanel of your host and add images to your site
* How to set up a simple squeeze page using the free Kompozer tool
* How to upload your squeeze page to your host
* How to add an Autoresponder to your Squeeze page so you can capture names and email addresses
* How to use your follow up sequence of emails to improve your relationship with subscribers
* Once your squeeze page is all set up, what to do with it
* How to drive traffic to your squeeze page using inexpensive tools and websites
* How to use safe-swaps to build your list

And, including all the bonuses he adds to this report, it’s only $1 here.

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