Ronny Raygun (sic) says he got over 10,000 visitors for a keyword he made up to prove his point. In Traffic Alchemy Formula he shows how.

He argues that the way to higher earnings is to:
1. Create a new keyword that Google doesn’t have now
2. Create a simple website that ranks high for your new keyword
3. Get people to search for your keyword
4. Monetize your traffic with AdSense or other offers.

He says this method works best in big niches where the competition is fierce (where you normally would get no notice at all). You ignore the low-hanging fruit by planting your own trees.

Traffic Alchemy Formula includes:
* A step-by-step printed manual
* Powerful software to manage your campaigns
* A Video Series That Explains How to apply the method for repeatable profitable results

Get the whole story on Traffic Alchemy Formula here.

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