One of the worlds great cities and the top travel destination in the world, Paris, France, can be the jewel at the center of your travel website with new PLR just released.

Full-color PLR ebooks:
* Paris – All You Need To Know – 55 pages
* Paris Shopping Guide – 88 pages
* Paris – The Gourmets Guide – 102 pages
* Paris In 2012 – Facts And Figures – 11 pages
* Paris Nightlife – 11 pages
* Paris On A Budget – 11 pages
* Paris With A Difference – 14 pages
* Paris With the Family – 17 pages
* Paris – Sustainable (Green) Tourism – 20 pages
* Visiting Paris, With A Personal Guide – 27 pages

Richly illustrated with full color photos and drawings.Includes Word and PDF formats, .rtf files and .txt files. Get the whole story here.

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