Bill Myers has released the latest issue of ‘Tip of the Week’. The featured article is titled “Not being afraid to be bad”. Myers says, “This past week I published an article with the title ‘Seven Important Lessons I Learned When Writing My First Novel’. In that article, I wrote about the things that helped me complete my first novel, which is now available on Amazon”.

Bill Myers Tip of the Week – May 12, 2012


Not being afraid to be bad

This past week I published an article with the title ‘Seven Important Lessons I Learned When Writing My First Novel’.

In that article, I wrote about the things that helped me complete my first novel, which is now available on Amazon.

Among the items on that list was ‘The importance of not being afraid of being bad.”

Here’s some of what I wrote . . .

“One of the most important things I learned while writing my first novel is don’t be afraid of being a bad writer.

Instead of worrying about whether your writing is good, just get the words on the page, get the story told. And finish the book.

After the book is finished, you’ll have plenty of time to go back and improve your writing during editing.

It’s a process that every writer, even best selling authors, go through. They write badly and then improve their work during editing.”

The same can be said of most things you do in life. If you’re afraid your work isn’t going to be good enough, you’ll never get anything done.

So don’t be afraid to be bad. Just do the work, learn from what you are doing, and then make it better during editing.

It’s how we humans learn to get things done and how we go from being bad at something to doing good work.

By the way, my new novel at Amazon has received many five star reviews and continues to grow into what I hope will eventually be a best seller.

It’s still available for just 99 cents. Check it out at

Bill Myers

Recent articles posted at Bill Myers Online:

The only Text to Voice Tool you’ll need

Use this text to voice tool to create great sounding text to speech audio files. Great for video voice overs, mp3 podcasts, audio tips of the week, and for reading back books and documents you are working on

Read the full article at:

If you have a Canon video camera, you’ll want this cheat sheet

If you have one of the very popular Canon Vixia or Legria video cameras including the HF 10, HF 100, HF 200, HF 300M, 301M and others, you’ll want to print and store this video camera settings cheat sheet in your camera bag

Read the full article at:

Another great source for free Royalty Free Music you can use in your video productions

Here’s a great place to find really nice sounding royalty free music you can use in your web and DVD video productions. More than 25,000 music tracks, ready for immediate download. A great resource to know about

Read the full article at:

Checklist for choosing the right video camera

If you plan on shooting how-to videos or videos of workshops and seminars, or video for the web, use this checklist to make sure you get the right video camera for the job. Includes recommended cameras for different budgets

Read the full article at:

Seven Important Lessons I Learned When Writing My First Novel

Here are some important lessons I learned when writing my first novel, and how these lessons are making it a lot easier to write my second one.

Hopefully, what I learned can inspire you to get your novel completed

Read the full article at:

Thinking big

Sometimes you have to go beyond the normal expectations and think big. Doing so can help you start down the road to reaching your biggest dreams

Read the full article at:


That’s it for this week!

Bill Myers

Missed a tip of the week? Find them all at

Bill Myers has developed a wide range of successful products (including 50 videos and several blockbuster software packages), he also developed tools that have enabled thousands of others to jump into the product development business and start creating their own products.

Bill’s copywriting skills are legendary. The sales letters he has written have pulled in millions of dollars, and created mail-order empires for his clients. His two books that contain over 300 pages of his best sales letters and ads had become a cult classic.

Bill Myers has an established track record as a successful product developer – developing videos, books, CD ROMs, software, newsletters, web sites, and more.

The information, articles, tips, tools and techniques presented within his web site are based on years of experience and designed to help others get into and succeed in the product development business.

* IMNewswatch would like to thank Bill Myers for granting permission to reprint the latest ‘Tip of the Week’.

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